Tin-117m(t1/2 14d; γ 159keV, 86%) is an ideal tracer for studyingbiological behavior of tin compounds as well as for developing clinically-useful radio-pharmaceuticals. It had been reported that Sn-117m[4+] DTPA has unexpectedlyhigh bone uptake and bone-to-blood ratio, and is potentially useful as an agent forskeletal scintigraphy and radiotherapy of bone tumors. In this work, HEDTMP [N-(2-hydroxyethyl) ethlenediamine-1,1,2-tri (methylene phosphonic acid)] was synthesized.Let it form complex with 117mSn. The formation conditions, stability and distributioncoefficient between oil and water of the complex were investigated.
Tin-117m(t1/2 14d; γ 159 keV, 86%) is an ideal tracer for studying biological behavior of tin compounds as well as for developing clinically-useful radio-pharmaceuticals. It had been reported that Sn-117m[4+] DTPA has unexpectedly high bone uptake and bone-to-blood ratio, and is potentially useful as an agent for skeletal scintigraphy and radiotherapy of bone tumors. In this work, HEDTMP [N-(2-hydroxyethyl) ethlenediamine-1,1,2-tri (methylene phosphonic acid)] was synthesized. Let it form complex with 117mSn. The formation conditions, stability and distribution coefficient between oil and water of the complex were investigated.