目的 :探讨急性白血病 (AL)患者完全缓解 (CR)后未坚持正规治疗的原因 ,并制定相应的护理措施。方法 :对 36例CR后未按期治疗的AL患者进行问卷调查。结果 :通过调查发现经济承受能力、患者及其家属对疾病的认识及能否耐受化疗是AL患者CR后未坚持正规治疗的 3项主要原因。结论 :做好AL患者及家属的教育工作和心理疏导 ,取得患者家属的知情同意与支持 ,使患者主动配合和按期接受治疗 ,对延长患者的生存时间 。
Objective:To explore the real cause about failure to insist routinal treatment after complete remission(CR) of acute leukemia(AL) Method:36 CR havent continue therapy received inquiry Result:We have found the main three causes include:economy problem knowledge about disease itself and tolerance to chemical therapy Conclusion:Health education and psychological induction can acquire patients understanding and cooperation for continuing routinal therapy
Journal of Qilu Nursing