山东地区的史前文化十分发达 ,这一发达与全新世中期暖湿的气候直接相关。同时 ,山东地区临海的区位、适中的海拔、多样的地表形态、放射状的水系 ,也为古人类的生存提供了良好的空间。在深入认识人类与其生存环境的关系这一问题上 ,考古学与历史地理学的结合 。
prehistoric Culture in Shandong is fairly developed. This isdirectly related to the warm and the moist climate during the Holocene. besides, the location adjoining the sea, the suitable altitude, the variable geographical form, and the rediate drainage network also provided the ancient with suitable survival environment. The Archaeology cooperating with the Historical Geography must be able toobain great progress in deeply researching therelation between human and their survival environment.