楚为华夏后裔。诸夏的一支———祝融族 ,其一部分后来南入苗蛮集团 ,并与之融合为楚族。《九歌》留下了楚地民间较多遗存的华夏古俗 :采集和渔猎经济、自然崇拜、民神杂糅、原始婚俗、以舞降神。
The Chu clan are the descendant of Huaxia.Part of the Zhurong clan,a branch of Zhuxia,moved to the south and merged into the Miao clan,which formed the Chu clan. 'Jiuge',a collection of poems,contains Huaxia's old customs and traditions existing in popular witch practices in the Chu area,such as economy by gathering and fishing,nature worship,folk gods mixing,primitive wedding,dancing to subdue the God and clan demoncracy.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences