目的 探讨纤维喉镜下微波凝集治疗喉角化病的临床效果。方法 对治疗组 65例患者在纤维喉镜下导入微波治疗电极于喉部角化病变区行微波凝集治疗,4周后进行复查。设对照组45例采用双黄连药液喉滴入配合喉部音频治疗,每日1次,2周为1个疗程。治疗前后描记语谱图及拍摄射频彩色照片作为发声功能及治疗效果的客观指征。结果 微波凝集治疗组治愈率为87.69%,对照组治愈率为28.89%,P<0.05,两组差异有显著性意义。结论 纤维喉镜下微波凝集治疗喉角化病,疗效显著,操作简便安全,具有在临床上广泛应用的价值。
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of microwave coagulating on laryngeal keratosis under fiberoptic laryngoscope. Methods 110 cases with laryngeal keratosis were included in this study, with 65 in treating group (TG) and 45 in controlling one. (CG). Cases in TG were treated with microwave coagulating to the laryngeal foci of keratosis with treating electrode passing through the fiberoptic laryngoscope and re-examined four weeks after operation. In contrast, cases in CG were treated by laryngeal dropping of Shuanghuanglian and raudio-frequency therapy, once a day and two weeks as a course. All cases were evaluated by sonogram and radio-frequency color photographs taken before and after treatment. Results The curative rates were 87. 69% and 28. 89% for TG and CG respectively, with a very significant difference between them (P<0. 05). Conclusion Microwave coagulating under fiberoptic laryngoscope is very effective on largngeal keratosis, with good safety and simplicity in operating.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine