冬牧 - 70黑麦的播性有很大的可塑性。在山西省不同的纬度地带 ,既可秋播又可春播 ,秋播的适宜播期是 8月下旬至 10月中旬 ,从南至北都能够安全越冬 ;春播的适宜播期是 2月下旬至 4月上旬 ,都能够达到拔节、抽穗 ,完成其生育过程。冬牧 - 70黑麦生长的起始温度为 0~ 2℃ ,生长较快 ,可利用晚秋和早春低温条件 ,延伸生长季节。每公顷产子量在 4 50 0kg以上 ,每公顷鲜草产量达到 38t,草—草复种每公顷产草量可达 133t。
Dongmu 70 Rye is a fine forage crop.Its seed yield is 4 500kg/hm 2,fresh grass weight is 38t/hm 2,and its multiple croping yield of grass with grass is fresh weight 113t/hm 2.The sowing time range of Dongmu 70 Rye is very broad.It may plant in spring or autumn.Autumn sowing time is the last ten day of February to the first ten day of April.Dongmu 70 Rye may extensively plant in those regions that sowing three times in two years and sowing times in a year.It is of significance for developing cattle and sheep in agricultural regions.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences