Tinker v.Des Moines School District一案是美国宪法史上的重要案例。美国联邦最高法院通过此案,重新讨论了象征性表达的言论地位,并且认为应对于佩戴袖章这样的象征性表达行为施予第一修正案的言论自由之保护。法院还进行了校园管理秩序与表达自由两种价值的取舍,认为应对校方限制表达自由之禁令进行程序与实质的严格标准审查。最后,此案还讨论了学校作为合格公民培训所的重要职责,并且再一次对于校园内的表达自由给予了肯定与保护。
Tinker v.Des Moines School District is one of the most important cases in the American constitutional history.The Supreme Court discussed the nature of symbolic expression and regarded it as part of expression,which ought to be protected by the First Amendment.Further more,the Court also compared the two values in this case,the peace order of the campus and the freedom of expression for those who insisted variation from the majority’s opinion.The Court held that a strict examination to the limitation from the school to the freedom of expression is necessary.The Court also mentioned the schools as the important institutes to train students to be ideal citizens.This case protect the freedom of expression in campus once again.
Guanghua Law Review