The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of household land tenure experience and village-level tenure environment on farmers' perception of land tenure security. The theory of social psychology was used to identify the impact mechanism of tenure experience and tenure scene on farmers' tenure security perception. An econometric approach,based on the data set collected in Jiangsu,Guangxi,Hubei and Hei Longjiang provinces,covering 626 households,was conducted in empirical analysis. The results indicate that secure land tenure experience and tenure environment increase farmers' perception of tenure security,and that tenure environment has different impact on households with various land tenure experience. More specified,households owning land certificates or experiencing none land reallocation have higher land tenure security perception. Village-level land reallocation environment and the issuance time of land certificates have a negative and different impact on tenure security perception of households with different land tenure experience. The key limitation of the study is that the sample used in this analysis solely covers households data collected in four provinces,which makes it difficult to generalize the results to other regions in China. Another difficulty is that the study does not examine explicitly the impact of village-level and regional governance structure on farmers' tenure security perception. The identified policy implication,such as removing the paradox between village self-governance and land laws,promoting region-tailed land tenure registration reform,adapting village agent behavior,can be used to improve farmers' perception of tenure security. Expanding the perspectives of previous research about the formation mechanism of farmers' tenure security perception,this study employs the theory of social psychology to explain the impact mechanism of tenure experience and tenure scene on farmers' tenure security perception,and also illustrates the interactive influence of tenure experience an
2015年第4期111-121 158-15,158-159,共13页
Journal of Public Management
Land Laws,Land Tenure,Tenure Experience,Tenure Environment,Tenure Security Perception