在意大利举办的2015国际纺织机械展(ITMA)上,纺织机械制造商们展示了机器及最新研发,由此可以得出纺织工程最新的发展趋势。迫于中国纺机制造业的竞争威胁,ITMA 2007展出了一些功能缩减的较低价的机器。但ITMA 2011则展出了多种具有革命性改进的机型,如苏拉欧瑞康(Saurer Oerlikon)公司开发的Autocoro 8转杯纺纱机,其每个纺纱锭位完全自动化,并运用了磁力轴承转子;立达(Rieter)公司的喷气纺纱机J 10及迈耶西(Mayer&Cie)公司的全新纺纱-编织一体机理念。ITMA 2015则展有许多虽小但高效的革命性创新,可显著降低客户的生产要素成本。
At the ITMA 2015 in Milan/Italy,textile machinery manufacturers presented machinery and new developments from which the latest trends in textile engineering can be derived.Whereas cheaper machinery with a reduced range of functions was presented at the ITMA 2007 due to the threat of competition from the Chinese textile machinery industry,at the ITMA 2011,revolutionary new developments in machinery,e.g.the Saurer Oerlikon Autocoro 8 rotor spinning machine with automated individual spinning positions and magnetic bearing rotor,the Rieter Air Jet J 10 spinning machine and the new spin-knitting concept by Mayer & Cie.were on display.In 2015 it was much more the evolutionary innovations,a plurality of smaller but effective developments that can considerably reduce factor costs of the customers.
Melliand China