机载LIDAR点云数据分布呈现离散化,扫描的目标点云没有明确的轮廓,而建筑物形状呈现复杂化和多样化,这给提取机载LIDAR数据中建筑物轮廓线带来了困难。Alpha Shapes算法的优点在于无需知道点云中各点处的法向量及其他先验知识就能进行处理,避免了插值算法带来的误差影响,对于少量点云缺失及数据冗余的情况,算法仍具有良好的稳定性和适应性。AlphaShapes方法可以得到较为精细的建筑物边缘,且该算法适用于各种多边形建筑物轮廓线的提取。
The distribution of airborne LIDAR point cloud data is discrete. The contour of scanned target point cloud is not clear, and the shapes of the buildings present complex and diversi?ed forms. This brings dif?culties to extract the building contour lines from airborne LIDAR data. The advantage of Alpha Shapes algorithm is no need to know the normal vector at each point and other prior knowledge,avoiding the error effect of interpolation algorithm, and it still has good stability and adaptability to the small number of point clouds missing and data redundancy. The Alpha Shapes algorithm can get the ?ne edges of the buildings, and the algorithm is suitable for extracting the contours of various polygon buildings.
WANG Qiu-yan;CHEN Xi-li;(Jiangsu Union Technical Institute Nanjing Branch;Nanjing Metro Operation Limited Company)
Intelligent Building & Smart City