水中亚硝酸盐对人及动物有多方面的危害 ,离子交换、反渗透、电渗析、生物及反硝化、化学和化学催化硝化都可以从水中去除亚硝酸盐 ,这些方法各有优缺点 .离子交换法是将亚硝酸盐集中于介质或废液中 ,易造成二次污染 ;生物法具有高效低耗的特点 ,但投资大 ;化学还原法尽管可以将亚硝酸根还原为无害的氮气 ,但其反应需要在较高温度下进行 ,效率较低 .对于含量较低、处理量较少的地下深水中亚硝酸盐的处理 ,化学氧化法具有设备简单、处理费用低的优点 .
Nitrite in the water endangers to people and animal in several aspects.Several treatments including ion exchange,biological denitrification,reverse osmosis,electrodialysis,chemical and catalytic denitrification can remove nitrite form water with various efficiency.The ion exchange denitrification concentrates nitrite in medium,and results in second pollution.The biological denitrification has advantage of high-ecciciency and low cost,but with high investment.The chemical reduction can reduce nitrite into N 2,but high reaction temperature is needed.It is thought that the chemical oxidation has advantages of low cost in treating groundwater containing low nitrite
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)