目的 回顾分析 95例直径≤ 2cm的肺孤立性小结节的HRCT表现 ,以评价HRCT在肺孤立性小结节诊断上的价值。方法 95例直径≤ 2cm的孤立性小结节常规CT扫描后结节处加扫 3~ 5层HRCT。对不同病变结节的边缘、形态及内在特征进行对比分析。结果 HRCT显示结节边缘有切迹或分叶状 ,毛刺影及偏心小针尖状钙化更倾向于肺癌诊断 ,无一种HRCT征象是小肺癌结节所特有的。结节内发现脂肪是错构瘤的特征性表现 ,小结节内含液性密度提示是肺脓肿的可能。胸膜皱缩征对鉴别肺癌或结核瘤无帮助。结论 HRCT对肺孤立性小结节的诊断和鉴别诊断有重要的价值。
Purpose To evaluate the value of HRCT in the diagnosis of small solitary pulmonary nodules. Methods Ninety five solitary pulmonary nodules with diameter ≤2cm were performed HRCT scan after common CT scan and were analyzed the edge,configuration or internal architecture by two radiologists. Results The lobulation,specula or partial needl like calcification of SPN on HRCT were found commonly in lung cancer,but none of them was found only in lung canner; fat density in SPN was the characteristic feature of hamartoma,low density was found usually in lung abscess,pleural indentation was found in lung cancer and tuberculoma. Conclusion HRCT was a valuable method in diagnosis and distinguishing diagnosis of SPN.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology