The authors counted the droppings of the giant pandas by the route method at the Wanglang Nature Reserve and characterized their habitats. Among 390 sampling spots, droppings at 80 sampling spots, dens at 19 sampling spots, bamboo fragments gnawed by pandas at 103 sampling spots, one individual panda at one sampling spot were found. Totally at 125 sampling spots panda traces occurred. Taking position of sampling spots on mountains, diet bamboo species and growth status, forest origin, vegetation types, human disturbance and intensity as factors, and there are 2, 3 or 4 levels in each factor. Then a contingency table for each factor was formed. Occurring of pandas is in the row (r = 2) of contingency table, while the various levels of factors are in the column (c = 2, 3 or 4). The results of chisquare testing of independence show that at the Wanglang Nature Reserve the giant pandas: (1) forage at elevation 2600~3000 m; (2) prefer to Fargesia denudafa and more of their activities happen in forests where arrow bamboo grows better; (3) use more natural habitats rather than artificial ones, but no difference found between the old and secondary forests; (4) use more often coniferous forests; (5) avoid habitats where logging and grazing exist and their exploitation intensity decreases as human disturbance becomes intensive.
Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)