本文详细描述了永瓣藤(Monimopetalum Chinese Rehd)的茎和叶的解剖结构。茎的皮层是属于具有封闭层类型。韧皮部中筛管分子的端壁是由4—6个梯状排列的筛域组成的复筛板。木质部的生长轮不甚明显,管孔大小均匀为散孔材;木射线属异型Ⅱ_B(少数为异型Ⅱ_A);木薄壁组织轮界状,也偶有傍管星散状排列的。叶大而薄,角质膜极薄。根据永瓣藤的茎和叶的特征,它是卫矛科中比较原始的阴地植物。
The paper mainly deals with the anatemy of the stem and leaf in Monimopetalum Chinese. The lenticel of stem has closing leyer type. The end walls of sieve-tube elements in the phloem have 4—6 specialized sieve areas which together form compound sieve plates. The xylem's grewth rings are obscure while the pore sizes are equal. wood ray is hetergencous. Type Ⅱ_B rarely Ⅱ_A wood parenchyma is narrowly banded. (2—3 wide), rarely paratracheal scanty.
Leaves are usually large but thin. Cuticle of epideimis is very thin.
In terms of the description above, it is believed to be of the shady primary plant in Celastraceae.