从足球规则公平竞赛原则出发 ,结合长期足球教学训练及裁判实践 ,就现行规则中若干章节 ,即比赛场地、裁判员、比赛时间、罚球点球的规定提出修改意见 ,建议罚球区由长方形改为弧形 ,增设一名主裁判 ,比赛时间应为净时间 ,罚球点球分大、小点球两种 ,以期达到进一步完善规则的目的。
Based on principles of fair competition in the football rules, combined with long-term experiences in football teaching and training as well as practice of judging, suggestions on the modification of some chapters in the present football rules were advances, namely the prescription of competition arena, referees, duration of a match and penalty kick. It was suggested that the penalty zone should be changed into arc instead of rectangle, one more chief referee should be added, the match hour should be the net time; the penalty kick should be divided into two sorts (the big and the small penalty kick) so as to further perfect the rules.
Journal of Beijing Sport University