采用”身体活动动机测量”修订版 (MPAM -R ,Frederick和Ryan 1993) ,对 2 77位成年被试进行问卷调查 ,包括 5类参与动机、参加活动的持续时间等内容。调查结果显示出活动的持久性与参加者的年龄、性别有关系 ,与动机类型没有显著关系 ;动机类型与活动者的年龄、性别有关。并从中国传统文化、社会转型、体育意识等方面分析了这一调查结果的形成原因。
adult subjects were investigated with the Motivation for Physical Activities Measure (reversed edition) (MPAM-R, Frederick & Ryan, 1993), including 5 types of motivation and the duration of participation etc. The results of the investigation indicate that the adherence to the participation in physical activities relates to the age and sex of the participants, but it does not relate to the type of motivation. There are relationships between the type of motivation and the age and sex of the participants. The reasons for achieving this results were analyzed from the aspects of the Chinese traditional culture, transform of the society and sports consciousness.
Journal of Beijing Sport University