研究了SBR(程序间歇式活性污泥)法处理炼油废水的最佳工艺条件和除氮效果,以及投菌SBR法处理炼油废水中污染物的效果。确定了SBR法处理炼油废水最佳反应温度为25℃~40℃,pH值为6 0~8 5,反应时间为8~12h,活性污泥浓度为2000~4000mg L。当反应期内好氧曝气和缺氧搅拌交替进行3~4次,脱氮率可以达到90%以上。将实验室筛选得到的除油菌投加于SBR复合生物反应器中处理炼油厂隔油池出水,废水中各种污染物的去除率分别为:COD93 5%,石油类98 6%,总氮89 8%。
This research studied the optimum process conditions and the treatment effect of nitrogen removal by using SBR method,and analyzed the treatment effect of pollutant removal by using SBR method with oil-removing bacteria.It was determined that with SBR method,the most suitable reaction conditions to treat petroleum wastewater are:reaction temperature 25℃~40℃,pH 60~85,reaction time 8~12 hours and density of activated sludge 2 000~4 000mg/L.With the aerobic aeration and anaerobic stir carried on alternately 3~4 times,respectively,the rate of nitrogen removal is above 90%.Laboratory selected oil-removing bacteria was added into SBR complex biological reaction tank to treat effluent of a oil separation pool from an oil refining factory,and the results indicated 935% removal for COD,986% removal for oil and 898% removal for TN.
Environmental Protection of Xinjiang