在立柱密度为 80cm× 80cm的”树林”式柱式无土栽培区种植番茄 (LycopersicumMill) ,品种是洋杂 2号和90 6 ,面积各有 5 4 0m2 (在非自控玻璃温室内 ) ,各含 6 36根立柱 ,每根柱种 3层共 9株 ,总共各有 5 72 4株 .番茄生长期间 ,柱上植株始终保持塔形排列 ,每株留 2穗果约 6只番茄 ,在不影响结果情况下注意去顶、剪叶和去除营养枝 ,以保持柱间有良好透光 .此外 ,在两行立柱之间地面 (除走道外 )铺设中高 10cm倒V字形双面铝 (Al)膜反光体 ,可使柱高 10 0cm以下的光照量增加 5 0 %左右 ,并超过了番茄的光合需要保持量E为 6 0 0~ 70 0 μEm-2 s-1[2 ] 的要求 .立柱由基质型盆钵组成 ,盆钵中的基质有陶粒、用过的香菇菌棒碎料加珍珠岩加有机肥料和难溶磷铁肥 ,于循环水中加入盆钵中没有的成分组成完全的平衡营养系统以循环浇灌 ,结果培养出了粗壮结果良好的的植株 .番茄洋杂 2号亩产为 5 184kg,是对照(深流栽培 )的 2 .4倍 ,又比土栽培的产量高 30 % ;品种 90 6亩产为 5 2 34kg,是对照土栽培的 2 .2倍 .图 2表 3参
A tomato columnar soilless cultural unit included 636 columns which were set up early, and its whole construction was all same as the former description except that columns were composed of pots with solid medium in it and concentric holes leaking water on its bottom. The cultural medium in the pots contained ceramsite, used mushroom medium, perlite, fermented organic manure, calcium phosphate and ferric compound. Moreover, some solvable fertilizers were added into circulating irrigating water to supplement lacking components of the medium in the pots, so we used a complete nutrient medium for the culture of tomato ( Lycopersicum Mill) plants. Each cultural column kept 9 tomato plants, i.e., 3 plants in the upside, 3 plants in the middle and 3 plants in the underside and these plants were made shape of tower through tieing upright plants in the upper and in the middle firmly respectively. Besides, plants need to be pruned, so tops of plants and old leaves were picked. It was especially important that a light reflected body with two aluminium membrane slope faces was paved on the ground between two rows of columns to increase illumination. All these methods were proved to be effective to achieve better sunlight condition among the columns during the growing season of tomato plants, for example, the plants grown on columns below height of 100 cm can obtain both the direct sun ray and the reflected sun ray, therefore the tomato plants could get lowest demand of illumination of 600~700 μE m -2 s -1 , which was enough to maintain normal photosynphesis during the growing season of tomato plants. The columnar culture produced high yields of tomato fruits: the variety Yang za 2 gave 5 184 kg per 666.7 m 2, which was 2.4 times of that produced by its deep flowing culture and increased by 30% than that produced by soil culture; and the variety 906 gave 5 234 kg per 666.7 m 2, which was 2.2 times of that produced by its soil culture.Fig 2, Tab 3, Ref 2
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
columnar soilless culture (CSC)
light reflected body with two aluminium membrane slope faces
tomato plants