中生植物脯氨酸含量为0.42mg/g·dw,低于少浆旱生植物(1.73mg/g·dw)。多浆旱生植物脯氨酸含量最高(7.22mg/g·dw),为前两者的17倍和4倍。两类旱生植物在干旱条件下(非灌溉)脯氨酸含量均高于灌水处理。少浆与多浆旱生植物的光合强度(16.74、14.04 CO_2mg/g·dw·h)差异不大,而中生植物(37.57 CO_2mg/g·dw·h)则高于两类旱生植物2倍以上。少浆旱生植物的呼吸强度(6.27CO_2mg/g·dW·h)略高于多浆旱生植物(4.73CO_2mg/g·dw·h),与中生植物(7.60CO_2mg/g·dw·h)接近。光合/呼吸值,少浆、多浆与中生植物分别为2.50、3.09和4.59,说明中生植物的合成明显大于消耗。季节动态中,中生植物显著高于两类旱生植物。叶绿素总量三类植物差异甚微。
The proline content of mesophytes,less-succulent xerophytes and succulent xerophytes were 0.42,1.73 and 7.22 mg/g·dw respectively.The latter is 17 and 4 times both of the formers. The proline content of xerophytes-both succulent and less-succulent,under non-irrigation con- dition was higher than that under irrigation condition. The photosynthetic rates of less-succulent and succulent xerophytes were 16.74 and 14.04 CO_2 mg/g.dw.h respectively,without clear difference between them.The photosynthetic rate of mesophyte (37.57 CO_2 mg/g.dw.h) was more than 2 times that of two types of xerophytes. The respiratory rate of less-succulent xerophytes,succulent xerophytes and mesophytes were 6.27,4.73 and 7.60 CO_2 mg/g.dw.h respectively.The ratios of photosynthetic rate to respiratory rate in less-succulent xerophytes,succulent xerophytes and mesophytes were 2.50,3.09 and 4.59 CO_2 mg/g.dw.h respectively.This fact indicated that the carbon assimilatory process of meso- phyte was evidently higher than the respiratory process for all the two types of plants.There was no obvious difference between the total contents of chlorophyll in the three types of plants.