将西门子公司的LOGO !可编程控制器和电动机变频技术应用于纺织厂空调系统中 ,既克服了现有系统的不足 ,又提高了系统可靠性 ,降低了能耗 ,满足了各车间的工艺要求 ,保证了纺织产品的质量 ,经实际使用表明该方案是合理的 。
This paper introduces a method of controlling textile factory air-conditioner system by using SIEMENS LOGO! programmable controller and converter. The strategy can get over present shortcomings, improve the reliability and reduce the total energy consumption,and satisfy the quality and production demands of all workshops. The results show that the scheme is reasonable and can be applied in the same situation.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology