在氮气保护下 ,采用二步加料合成工艺 ,以花椒籽油和二乙醇胺为原料 ,以氢氧化钾为催化剂合成了烷醇酰胺 .通过三水平三因子的正交合成试验 ,确定了该反应的最佳工艺条件 ,并对合成的产品进行了表面性能和缓蚀性能评价 .结果表明 :与传统的椰子油烷醇酰胺和棕榈油烷醇酰胺相比 ,花椒籽油烷醇酰胺中的游离氨含量较低 ;另外 ,花椒籽油烷醇酰胺具有较高的分散能力和乳化能力 ,但其单剂的缓蚀效果较差 ,必须与其它试剂复配使用 .
Under the protection of nitrogen, alkylalcoholamine is synthesized by using pepper oil and diethanolamine as raw materials, and KOH as catalyst. Twice adding source technology is applied to the synthesis process. By three-level three-factor orthogonal experiment, the proper technological condition of the reaction is determined. The surface and corrosion-inhibiting characteristics of the product are evaluated. The results show that the content of free ammonia in pepper oil alkylacoholamine is less than that in traditional kaya oil alkylalcoholamine and in palm butter alkylalcoholamine. It is also shown that pepper oil alkylalcoholamine is of better dispersibility and emulsifying capacity; when it is used alone, its effect of corrosion-inhibiting is worse, but when being used together with other agents it is of better corrosion-inhibiting effect.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)