

An analysis of medication and point selection rules of epilepsy in children based on data mining
摘要 目的:基于数据挖掘探讨小儿癫痫用药选穴规律,为小儿癫痫的针药结合等疗法提供参考。方法:检索中国知网、万方数据库、维普数据库从建库至2023年5月的文献,将其处方数据标准化后建立数据库,使用古今医案云平台(V2.2.3)分析临床证型、证素、用药与选穴。结果:本研究共纳入符合标准的临床试验与医案267例,其中有233个方药处方,涉及360味药物,证型以风痰闭阻证最为多见,高频用药为石菖蒲、茯苓、天麻,多选用石菖蒲-胆南星药组,以息风止痉与化痰为其主要功效。对核心药物进行聚类分析,形成了8组药物。另有48个针推处方,涉及161个穴位或推拿手法,高频穴位是百会穴、大椎穴、足三里穴,处方多选取百会穴配太冲穴、足三里穴配风池穴等。结论:小儿癫痫多责之于里病,病位多为脾与肝,病性以痰、闭阻、风为主,这与小儿肝常有余、脾常不足等病理生理特性相关。方药治疗中,医家用药多平和,寒温并用,五味以辛、甘、苦为主,药物主要入肝经、肺经、脾经、心经,平肝息风药与补虚药为出现频次较高。选穴多为督脉与膀胱经穴位。故现代医家基于对小儿癫痫的理解,其用药选穴在醒脑开窍的同时兼以化痰息风通络、补虚宁心安神。 Objective:Based on data mining,the rules of medication and point selection for pediatric epilepsy was discussed to Oprovide reference for the combination of acupuncture and medicine therapy for pediatric epilepsy.Methods:The literature in CNKI,Wanfang data and VIP database from the establishment of the database to May 2023 was retrieved,the prescription data was standardized to establish a database,and the ancient and modern medical record cloud platform(V2.2.3)was used to analyze clinical syndrome type,syndrome element,medication,and point selection.Results:The study included a total of 267 clinical trials and medical cases that met the criteria,involving 233 prescription formulas with 360 different medicines.The most common syndrome type was phlegm-wind obstruction syndrome,high-frequency medicinal ingredients included Shichangpu(Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii),Fuling(Poria)and Tianma(Rhizoma Gastrodiae).The most commonly used medicinal combination was Shichangpu-Dannanxing(Arisaema Cum Bile),with effects of calming the wind,stopping convulsions and phlegm removal.Cluster analysis of core medicines obtained 8 groups of medicinal combinations.A total of 48 acupuncture and massage prescriptions were included,involving 161 acupoints or massage techniques,with the high-frequency acupoints of Baihui(DU20),Dazhui(DU14),and Zusanli(ST36).Prescriptions often were composed of Baihui with Taichong(LR3),Zusanli with Fengchi(GB20),and other acupoints.Conclusion:Pediatric epilepsy is often related to internal diseases,with the spleen and liver as the main affected organs,and the nature of the disease is mainly phlegm,obstruction,and wind,which is related to the physiological characteristics of children such as excess of liver and insufficiency of spleen.In terms of Chinese medicine treatment,doctors often use mild medicinal ingredients,combining with cold and warm medicine,with the five flavors of pungent,sweet,and bitter.The medicinal ingredients mainly flowed into the liver,lung,spleen,and heart meridians.Calming liver and win
出处 《中医临床研究》 2024年第32期60-67,共8页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY18H270001)。
关键词 小儿癫痫 数据挖掘 用药规律 选穴规律 中医药 Epilepsy in children Data mining Drug use rule Rule of point selection Traditional Chinese medicine
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