

Weed Species and Community Structure Characteristic in Prunus salicina Orchards of Anshun City
摘要 为明确贵州省安顺市李园杂草的种类和群落特征,于2021—2022年采用倒置“W”9点取样法对安顺市31个李园的杂草发生情况进行调查。结果表明,安顺市李园常见杂草主要有41科121属137种,其中菊科最多,有27属31种,其次为禾本科,有13属14种。该区系杂草包括12个分布类型和7个变型,其中热带性质的有54属57种,因此具有明显的热带性质。安顺市李园杂草中有阔叶草类121种、禾草类14种和莎草类2种,包括1年生杂草42种、2年生杂草1种、多年生杂草83种、1年生或2年生杂草10种、1年生或多年生杂草1种;有本地植物54种,外来入侵植物83种。藿香蓟、鬼针草和马兰的相对多度均在10%以上,为安顺市李园的优势杂草。在安顺市,普定县杂草种类最多(62种),镇宁县杂草群落组成差异较小,西秀区杂草物种多样性最丰富且分布比较均匀。本研究结果可为安顺市李园杂草综合管理提供重要的理论支撑,同时也可为贵州果园杂草综合防控提供理论依据。 A study was conducted in 2021-2022 to clarify the species and communication characteristics of weeds in 31 Prunus salicina orchards in Anshun City,Guizhou Province.The investigation employed the inverted“W”nine-point sampling method to gather data.The results showed that the area contains 137 weed species belonging to 121 genera 41 families.Among them,Asteraceae was the most prevalent with 27 genera 31 species,followed by Poaceae with 13 genera 14 species.The weed flora in this region comprised 12 distribution types and 7 variants,among which 54 genera and 57 species exhibited tropical characteristics,thus indicating a distinct tropical nature.There were 121 species of broad-leaved weeds,14 species of gramineous weeds and 2 species of sedge weeds,including 42 species of annual weeds,1 species of biennial weeds,83 species of perennial weeds,10 species of annual or biennial weeds,and 1 species of annual or perennial weeds.And they could be divided into 54 native weeds and 83 invasive weeds.The dominant weeds were Ageratum conyzoides,Bidens pilosa,and Aster indicus,with the relative abundance of above 10%.In Anshun City,Puding County had the most weed species(62 species),Zhenning County exhibited minimal variation in weed community composition,and Xixiu District boasted the richest weed species diversity and uniform distribution.The results of this study could provide significant theoretical support for the comprehensive management of weeds in P.salicina orchards in Anshun City.Furthermore,these results establish a theoretical foundation for the comprehensive weed prevention and control in orchards of Guizhou Province.
作者 李德燕 吴旭 胡忠金 周世洪 周玮 李星宿 孔维茂 LI Deyan;WU Xu;HU Zhongjin;ZHOU Shihong;ZHOU Wei;LI Xingxiu;KONG Weimao(Anshun University,Anshun 561000,China;Characteristic Fruit Varieties Display and Agricultural Science and Education Integration Innovation Base,Rural Revitalization Research Center of Guizhou Universities,Anshun 561000,China;College of Eco-Environmental Engineering,Guizhou Minzu University,Guiyang 550025,China)
出处 《杂草学报》 2024年第3期11-25,共15页 Journal of Weed Science
基金 安顺学院博士启动基金资助项目(编号:asxybsjj202104) 贵州省科技基础研究项目(编号:黔科合基础〔2018〕1072) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(编号:202010667019) 贵州省级大学生创新创业训练计划(编号:202210667102、202110667011)。
关键词 李园 杂草 生物多样性 群落结构 特征 安顺市 Prunus salicina orchard weed biodiversity community structure characteristics Anshun City
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