

The Path to Improve Financial Governance Rules under the Development of New Productivity
摘要 随着科技的迅猛发展和全球化的不断深化,新质生产力作为一种崭新的生产方式和经济形态,正逐渐重塑着全球的经济结和增长模式。这种新质生产力主要体现在信息技术、人工智能、生物科技等前沿科技的融合与应用,它不仅改变了传统的生产方构,还在商业模式和社会结构上带来了深远的影响。新质生产力的崛起,标志着人类社会正步入一个新的发展阶段。其中,信息技式的发展使得数据的处理与分析能力大幅提升,人工智能的广泛应用则极大地提高了生产效率,而生物科技的进步为人类健康和生术质量带来了前所未有的提升。这些科技领域的突破,共同推动了新质生产力的蓬勃发展。在此背景下,金融治理规则体系的重要活日益凸显。金融作为现代经济的核心,其稳定与安全对于经济的持续发展至关重要。对此,通过分析阐述新质生产力的内涵和金性治理体系的现状,进而研究新质生产力发展下健全金融治理规则体系的路径,以期为金融治理实践提供新的思路。 With the rapid development of technology and the deepening of globalization,new quality productivity,as a novel mode of production and economic form,is gradually reshaping the global economic structure and growth model.This new quality productivity is mainly reflected in the integration and spplication of cutting-edge technologies such as information technology,artificial intelligence,and biotechnology.It has not only changed traditional production methods but also brought profound impacts on business models and social structures.The rise of new quality productivity signifies that human society is entering a new stage of development.Among these,the development of informuation technology has greatly enhanced the ability to process and analyze data,the widespread application of artificial intelligence has significantly improved production efficiency,and the progress in biotechnology has brought unprecedented improvements to human health and quality of life.Breakthroughs in these technological fields have jointly promoted the vigorous development of new quality productivity.Against this backdrop,the importance of the financial governance rules system is becoming increasingly prominent.Finance,as the core of the modern economy,is crucial for the stability and security of the economy's sustained development.In this regard,by analyzing and claborating on the connotation of new quality productivity and the current state of the financial governance system,this paper further explores the path to improve the financial governance rules system under the development of new quality productivity,in the hope of providing new insights for financial governance practices.
作者 叶颖 胡海池 Ying Ye;Haichi Hu(University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093)
机构地区 上海理工大学
出处 《金融界》 2024年第4期11-20,共10页
关键词 新质生产力 金融治理规则体系 健全路径关 new quality productive forces financial governance rules system sound path
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