

Analysis of body composition of Maonan adults
摘要 为探讨毛南族成人的体成分特点,采用生物电阻抗分析法对广西毛南族476例(男性204例,女性272例)成人进行了体成分调查.结果表明:①男性的躯干脂肪率最高,女性的下肢脂肪率最高.男性和女性均为躯干肌肉量最大.男性的肌肉量大于女性,脂肪率小于女性.②相关分析结果表明,男性的水分率和内脏脂肪等级与年龄呈正相关,体质量、身高、总肌肉量、推定骨量、右上肢肌肉量、左上肢肌肉量、右下肢肌肉量、左下肢脂肪率、左下肢肌肉量和躯干肌肉量10项指标与年龄呈负相关.女性的内脏脂肪等级与年龄呈正相关,身高和推定骨量与年龄呈负相关.③单因素方差分析结果表明,男性除体脂率、身体质量指数、水分率、右上肢脂肪率、左上肢脂肪率、右下肢脂肪率和躯干脂肪率7项指标外,其余11项指标的年龄组间差异均具有统计学意义.女性除水分率、右上肢脂肪率、右下肢脂肪率和左下肢脂肪率4项指标外,其余14项指标的年龄组间差异均具有统计学意义.④根据体脂率判定肥胖,男性和女性均属于正常.根据身体质量指数判定超重与肥胖,男性和女性均属于超重.⑤毛南族的体成分特点与其他南方族群接近,而与北方族群差异较大. In order to explore the characteristics of body composition of Maonan adults,the bioelectric impedance analysis was used to measure the body composition of 476 Maonan adults(204 males,272 females)in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.The results were as follows:①The percents of trunk fat was the highest in males,while the percent of lower limb fat was the highest in females.The trunk muscle mass in both males and females were the highest.The muscle mass of males was greater than that of females,while the percent of fat was less than that of females.②The correlation analysis results showed that the percent of body water and visceral fat level of males had significant positive correlation with age.Ten indicators including body mass,stature,total body muscle mass,estimated bone mass,right upper limb muscle mass,left upper limb muscle mass,right lower limb muscles,percent of left lower limb fat,left lower limb muscle mass and trunk muscle mass of males had significant negative correlation with age.The visceral fat level of females had significant positive correlation with age,while stature and estimated bone mass had significant negative correlation with age.③The results of one-way analysis of variance showed that,except for seven indicators including percent body fat,body mass index,percent of body water,percent of right upper limb fat,percent of left upper limb fat,percent of right lower limb fat,percent of trunk fat,the age group differences of the other 11 in-dicators of males were statistically significant.Except for four indicators including percent of body water,percent of right upper limb fat,percent of right lower limb fat,percent of left lower limb fat,the age group differences of the other 14 indicators of females were statistically significant.④According to the obesity criterion determined by percent body fat,both males and fe-males were normal.According to the body mass index criteria for overweight and obesity,both males and females were overAnalysis of body composition of Maonan adults YI Lana1,Y
作者 伊拉娜 于会新 李咏兰 YI Lana;YU Huixin;LI Yonglan(College of Life Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot 010022,China;College of Ethnology and Anthropology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot 010022,China;Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization for College and University of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Hohhot 010022,China)
出处 《天津师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期75-80,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31771329) 国家重点研发计划战略性科技创新合作资助项目(2020FYE0201600) 科技部基础工作专项资助项目(2015FY111700).
关键词 毛南族 体成分 体脂率 肌肉量 身体质量指数 Maonan body composition percent body fat muscle mass body mass index
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