

Passive Self-locking Fixed Orthodontic Treatment with“2×4”and Maxillary Occlusal Pad Tongue Spring Activity Orthodontic Treatment for Anterior Teeth in Children with Mixed Dentition Comparison of Anti Occlusion
摘要 目的比较“2×4”被动自锁固定矫治技术与上颌[牙合]垫舌簧活动矫治技术治疗儿童替牙期牙性及功能性前牙反[牙合]的变化,评价两种方法的治疗效果。方法选取替牙期前牙反[牙合]患儿30例,观察组采用“2×4”被动自锁固定矫治技术;对照组采用上颌[牙合]垫舌簧活动矫治技术。两组病例选用X线头影测量相关硬组织作为观察指标,并评估治疗前后观察指标的变化。结果相对治疗前,治疗后观察组SNA角、ANB角、U1-NA角、U1-SN角、FH-MP角、Y轴角均增加(P均<0.05),SNB角、NP-FH角、U1-L1角均减小(P均<0.05),L1-MP角、L1-NB角变化差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05);对照组SNA角、ANB角、U1-NA角、U1-SN角均增加(P均<0.05),U1-L1角、L1-NB角、L1-MP角均减小(P均<0.05),SNB角、NP-FH角、FH-MP角、Y轴角变化差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。两组之间的变化值比较,SNB角、ANB角、NP-FH角、U1-L1角差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);FH-MP角、SNA角、U1-SN角、U1-NA角、L1-MP角、L1-NB角、Y轴角差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论两种治疗方法对儿童替牙期前牙反[牙合]均有不同程度的矫治作用。“2×4”被动自锁固定矫治技术疗效更佳,其可抑制下颌骨前突趋势,调整上下颌骨位置;对于伴有牙列拥挤不齐的患儿,可治疗牙列不齐、中线偏斜及磨牙关系不调等。 Objective To compare the changes in occlusal and functional anterior crossbite between the“2×4”passive self-locking fixed orthodontic technique and the maxillary occlusal pad tongue spring active orthodontic technique in the treatment of children with mixed dentition,and evaluate the therapeutic effects of the two methods.Methods Thirty children with anterior crossbite during the mixed dentition period were enrolled.For the observation group,a“2×4”passive self-locking fixed orthodontic technique was used.The control group was treated with maxillary occlusal pad tongue spring movement orthodontic technique.The X-ray cephalometric measurement of relevant hard tissues was as observation indicators for the two groups,and SPSS 26.0 statistical software was used to analyze the numerical changes before and after treatment.Results Compared with before treatment,the observation group showed an increase in SNA angle,ANB angle,U1-NA angle,U1-SN angle,FH-MP angle,and Y-axis angle after treatment(P all<0.05),while SNB angle,NP-FH angle,and U1-L1 angle decreased(P all<0.05).There were no statistically significant difference in the changes of L1-MP angle and L1-NB angle(P all>0.05).The control group showed an increase in SNA angle,ANB angle,U1-NA angle,and U1-SN angle(P all<0.05),while U1-L1 angle,L1-NB angle,and L1-MP angle decreased(P all<0.05)after treatment.There were no statistically significant difference in the changes of SNB angle,NP-FH angle,FH-MP angle,and Y-axis angle(P all>0.05).The comparison of changes between the two groups showed statistically significant differencesin SNB angle,ANB angle,NP-FH angle,and U1-L1 angle(P<0.05),but there was no statistically significant difference in FH-MP angle,SNA angle,U1-SN angle,U1-NA angle,L1-MP angle,L1-NB angle and Y-axis angle(P all>0.05).Conclusion Both treatment methods have varying degrees of correction for anterior malocclusion in children with mixed teeth.The“2×4”passive self-locking fixation orthodontic technique has better therapeutic effects,as it can
作者 杨艳 杨立斌 王磊 郭慧华 YANG Yan;YANG Libin;WANG Lei;GUO Huihua(Department of Stomatology,Second People's Hospital of Shizuishan City,Shizuishan 753000,China)
出处 《宁夏医科大学学报》 2024年第11期1137-1140,1145,共5页 Journal of Ningxia Medical University
基金 宁夏医科大学2022年科学研究项目(XM2022172)。
关键词 “2×4”被动自锁固定矫治技术 上颌[牙合]垫舌簧活动矫治技术 替牙期儿童前牙反[牙合] “2×4”passive self-locking fixed orthodontic technology dynamic correction technique for maxillary occlusal pad anterior crossbite in children during dental replacement period
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