为促进蔗渣在沥青路面的使用和推广,提高玛蹄脂碎石沥青(stone matrix asphalt,SMA)混合料的路用性能,根据马歇尔试验方法,采用5种蔗渣纤维质量分数(0.1%、0.2%、0.3%、0.4%、0.5%)和5种油石比(5.6%、5.9%、6.2%、6.5%、6.8%)成型SMA-13混合料试件,确定SMA-13混合料的最佳油石比,分析SMA-13混合料马歇尔技术指标随蔗渣纤维质量分数的变化规律,并采用单因素方差分析方法分析蔗渣纤维质量分数对SMA-13混合料马歇尔技术指标影响的显著性。结果表明:蔗渣纤维质量分数一定时,随油石比的增大,SMA-13混合料的马歇尔稳定度先增大后减小,流值和沥青饱和度不断增大,空隙率不断减小,矿料间隙率先减小后增大;油石比一定时,随蔗渣纤维质量分数的增大,SMA-13混合料的马歇尔稳定度、沥青饱和度先增大后减小,流值、空隙率和矿料间隙率不断增大。不同质量分数的蔗渣纤维对SMA-13混合料的马歇尔技术指标具有显著影响,按影响由强到弱排序为马歇尔稳定度、流值、矿料间隙率、空隙率、沥青饱和度。当蔗渣纤维质量分数由0.1%增至0.3%时,马歇尔稳定度增大41.3%并达到最大马歇尔稳定度,流值较小,空隙率、矿料间隙率及沥青饱和度均符合规范要求,蔗渣纤维的最佳质量分数为0.3%。
To promote the use and popularization of sugarcane bagasse in asphalt pavement,and to improve the performance of stone matrix asphalt(SMA) mixtures,SMA-13 specimens are prepared using five different mass fractions of sugarcane fiber(0.1%,0.2%,0.3%,0.4%,0.5%) and five different bitumen-to-stone ratios(5.6%,5.9%,6.2%,6.5%,6.8%) based on the Marshall test method.The optimal bitumen-to-stone ratio of the asphalt mixture is determined,and the variation of Marshall technical indexes with the mass fraction of sugarcane fibers is analyzed.Single-factor analysis of variance is used to determine the significance of the influence of sugarcane fiber mass fractions on the Marshall technical indexes of the asphalt mixture.The results show that with a constant mass fraction of sugarcane fiber,as the bitumen-to-stone ratio increases,the Marshall stability of the SMA-13 mixture first increases and then decreases,while the flow value and bitumen saturation continuously increases,and the void ratio decreases continuously,with the aggregate interstitial ratio initially decreasing and then increasing.With a constant bitumen-to-stone ratio,as the mass fraction of sugarcane fiber increases,the Marshall stability of the SMA-13 mixture first increases and then decreases,while the flow value,void ratio,and aggregate interstitial ratio increases continuously,with bitumen saturation first increasing and then decreasing.Sugarcane fibers of different mass fractions significantly influence the Marshall technical indicators of the SMA-13 mixture,ranked in order of influence from strongest to weakest as Marshall stability,flow value,aggregate interstitial ratio,void ratio,and bitumen saturation.When the mass fraction of sugarcane fiber increases from 0.1% to 0.3%,the Marshall stability increases by 41.3% to reach maximum Marshall stability,with low flow value and compliant void ratio,aggregate interstitial ratio,and bitumen saturation,indicating the optimal mass fraction of sugarcane fiber to be 0.3%.
LI Duoxun(Haikou Xinhai Ferry Terminal Co.,Ltd.,Haikou 570312,China)
Journal of Shandong Jiaotong University