

Review on safety barrier models for blockchain technology applications
摘要 为弥补区块链技术应用过程中对预防复杂系统安全问题的安全屏障研究关注不足的缺陷,首先,结合区块链技术在工业领域中的安全应用,介绍区块链自身的安全需求及安全屏障理论的支持;其次,从定性和定量视角总结安全屏障模式主要研究模型,并概述软件系统安全分析模型和安全屏障的绩效评估进展;然后,总结区块链技术安全风险相关安全措施的研究现状;最后,在顺应安全屏障模式研究中注重耦合协调的趋势下,立足研究复杂系统耦合协调及其复杂因果机制的定量方法进展,展望区块链技术应用相关的安全屏障模式研究,构建从安全分析、情景构建、系统建模、机制分析、效应评估至实现路径的安全屏障研究框架体系。结果表明:区块链技术相关安全屏障模式研究应涵盖以蝴蝶结(Bow-Tie)结构模型为核心并衔接工业事故风险评估法(ARAMIS)和耦合视角系统理论事故建模与过程(STAMP)等模型的静态系列图模式;将静态模式转换为贝叶斯网络(BN)并可作动态贝叶斯网络(DBN)分析的动态演化机制研究;以及安全屏障系统的效应评估;而聚焦熵的耦合协调及其非线性因果分析深化该耦合式集成研究体系。 In the application process of blockchain technology,insufficient attention has been paid to the research on safety barriers that are more suitable for preventing complex system safety problems.To solve this problem,firstly,the safety requirements of blockchain itself and the support of safety barrier theory were introduced,which was combined with the security application of blockchain technology in the industrial field.Then,the main safety barrier models within qualitative and quantitative perspectives were summarized,so were the progress of security analysis model of software system and of performance evaluation of safety barrier.Then,the research status of safety precautions related to security risks of blockchain technology was summarized.Finally,in accordance with the trend of coupling coordination in safety barrier models,a research framework of safety barrier models related to the application of blockchain technology was put forward,which was based on the research progress of quantitative methods studying complex system coupling coordination and complex causal mechanism.It was a framework system including safety analysis,situational construction,system modeling,mechanism analysis,effect assessment and implementation path.The results show that the research on the safety barrier models related to blockchain technology should cover static series diagram pattern with Bow-Tie model as core and ARAMIS(Accidental Risk Assessment Methodology for Industries System)and coupling perspective STAMP(Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Processes)models as integrators,dynamic evolution mechanism research that includes dynamic Bayesian network analysis by transforming the static models into BN,and the effect assessment of safety barrier system.The study on coupling coordination and nonlinear causal analysis focusing on entropy deepen this coupling integration research system.
作者 刘正刚 刘晨曦 阮渊鹏 LIU Zhenggang;LIU Chenxi;RUAN Yuanpeng(School of Management,Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310018,China)
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期105-115,共11页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学重点规划课题(21NDJC007Z) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金资助(21YJA630064) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金资助(23YJC630146)。
关键词 区块链 安全屏障 耦合协调 因果关系 效应评估 贝叶斯网络(BN) blockchain safety barrier coupling coordination causal relationship effect assessment Bayesian network(BN)
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