

Research on the Curriculum Ideological and Political Construction of Community Education
摘要 社区教育课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务、促进社区群众思想和行为更符合当下社会发展的现实诉求,是引导人们树立正确价值观的内在力量,是构建和谐社会及共同创建美好生活的目标的必然选择。当前,社区教育课程思政建设存在着缺乏顶层设计、师资力量薄弱、课程思政资源共享机制未健全的问题。社区教育课程思政建设应遵循凸显价值引领、坚持以社区居民为中心、注重实效性的基本原则。社区教育课程思政建设策略主要有:抓好顶层设计,统筹推进社区教育课程思政建设工作;加强社区教育课程思政师资队伍建设;深入挖掘社区教育课程思政内容;搭建社区教育课程思政协同育人平台;健全社区教育课程思政建设评价。 The curriculum ideological and political construction of community education is to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and to promote the thoughts and behaviors of the community masses to be more in line with the realistic demands of current social development, and is the internal force to guide people to establish correct values, and it is the inevitable choice to build a harmonious society and jointly create a better life. At present, there are some problems in the curriculum ideological and political construction of community education, such as the lack of top-level design, the weak teaching force, and the imperfect sharing mechanism of curriculum ideological and political resources. The curriculum ideological and political construction of community education should follow the basic principles of highlighting value-oriented, adhering to the community residents-centered, and paying attention to effectiveness. The strategies for the curriculum ideological and political construction of community education mainly include: grasping the top-level design and coordinating and promoting the curriculum ideological and political construction of community education;strengthening the construction of curriculum ideological and political teachers in community education;making an in-depth excavation of the curriculum ideological and political content of community education;building a platform for collaborative education of curriculum ideological and political education in community education;improving the evaluation of the curriculum ideological and curriculum political construction of community education.
作者 周俊玲 ZHOU Jun-ling(Institute of Higher Vocational Education,Guangzhou City Polytechnic,Guangzhou Guangdong 510405,China)
出处 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2024年第22期90-92,共3页 Journal of Hubei Open Vocational College
基金 2023年度广州市社区教育服务指导中心重点研究项目“社区教育课程思政建设研究”(项目编号:2023sqxm003) 2023年度广州市社区教育服务指导中心重大招标项目“社区教育课程(含微课)开发标准”(项目编号:2023SQZB03) 2022年度广东省哲学社会科学“十四五”规划学科共建项目“全媒体时代社区教育宣传策略研究”(项目编号:GD22XZY27)。
关键词 社区教育 课程思政 建设现状 建设原则 建设策略 community education curriculum ideology and politics construction status construction principles construction strategies
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