

Changes of the Coastal Defense Patterns of Different Divisions in Guangdong Province during the Ming Dynasty
摘要 海防分路分守制是明代于沿海诸省实行的海防制度,对明代海防体系的完善与维护万里海疆的安全具有重要作用。至迟在洪武末年,明廷为了更好地统筹广东沿海卫所官军备御倭寇,就已分置东、西二路,各设有提督备倭指挥以司其事。正统以后,广东省会所在的广州府沿海形势日益严峻。为了加强防御,大致从嘉靖初年开始,广东当局谋划从广东西路中划出中路,至嘉靖十四年,广东海防分路正式完成了由二路至三路的转变。从嘉靖四十五年开始,迄于万历中期,随着水寨兵船雇募制改革的完成,广东海防分路分守格局的内涵又发生了变化,其分守范围进一步演变为以若干大水寨巡哨信地为主的不同海域,实质性地突破了明初以来单纯以一府或若干府进行分路的分守格局。明代广东海防分路分守格局的演变,不仅受海防形势、地理环境、卫所防区等诸多因素的影响,而且也与水寨制度的形成与完善密切相关。 The different divisions for coastal defense system(海防分路分守制)was implemented in the coastal provinces during the Ming Dynasty. This system played an important role in improving the coastal defense and maintaining the security of the broad coastal border during the Ming Dynasty. In the late years of Hongwu reign(洪武朝)at least, the Guangdong province was divided into two regions to better manage coastal garrisons and against Japanese pirates. Both the eastern region and western region had a military commander(提督备倭指挥)to take charge of its affairs. After the Zhengtong reign(正统朝), the situation along the coast of Guangzhou prefecture(广州府)became increasingly severe. Approximately in the early years of the Jiajing reign(嘉靖朝), the authorities of Guangdong province began to plan for the division of the middle region from the western region to strengthen the defense. In the 14th year of the Jiajing reign, there were three regions for coastal defense in the Guangdong province. From the 45th year of the Jiajing reign to the middle of the Wanli reign(万历朝), the coastal defense pattern in the Guangdong province changed again with the completion of the reform of the recruitment system for armies and ships in maritime military fortresses(水寨兵船雇募制). Its defensive regions further evolved into different maritime areas dominated by large military fortresses. In essence, this process broke through the defense pattern which has divided by one or several prefectures since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. The change of the coastal defense patterns of different divisions in the Guangdong province during the Ming Dynasty was not only influenced by the situation of coastal defense, the geographical environment, and the defensive regions of Garrison, but also closely related to the formation and perfection of the maritime military fortress system.
作者 林声渊 吴宏岐 Lin Shengyuan;Wu Hongqi(Center for Historical Geography Studies,Jinan University,510632)
出处 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期37-47,共11页 Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金冷门绝学研究专项学术团队项目“明清广东海防地理史料的整理与研究”(20VJXT004)。
关键词 明代 广东海防 分路分守格局 水寨巡哨信地 The Ming Dynasty Coastal defense in the Guangdong province Patterns of different de-fense divisions Patrol areas of maritime military fortresses
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