

On the Concept of“Zi Sheng(自生)”in Confucianism
摘要 所谓“自生”,是指万物的发生源于自身本有的根据,这种本有的根据主宰万物的化生成功与否、化生的种类、化生的品质、化生的过程、化生的成果等。质言之,“自生”是生生过程中所有问题的最终决定者,是权利与责任的统一。考之中国古代儒学文献,“自生”是孕育在儒学思想中的一个基本理念,这一理念一直隐藏于天地、太极、气、心、道、理等范畴背后,以致问起儒家哲学的本根范畴,人们很少会想起沉默低调的“自生”理念。事实上,无论天地生物、太极生物、心生物,抑或阴阳生物、种子生物,由于“天地”是阴阳或空间,由于“太极”即阴阳,由于“心”是气之灵觉,而阴阳是气,由于“种子”的源头是“性”,因此,天地生物,太极生物,心生物,阴阳生物,种子生物,皆终归“性”生物,此即荀子所言“生之所以然者谓之性”。“性”是万物之所以然者,也就是人与物成为自己的根据,所以生生者自生。这样,“自生”理念蕴含了天地、太极、心、阴阳、种子等范畴所具有的智慧和希望,走向前台,担负起为儒学披荆斩棘、开辟道路的使命。“自生”不仅能凝集儒家所有的思想精粹,而且能疏通儒家所有的义理脉络;不仅能清除儒家思想中的糟粕与污垢,而且能再生多姿多彩的儒学理念;不仅能助力儒家思想的转化,而且能推动儒家思想的发展。因此,“自生”理念,就源而言有其本,就流而言有其用,在当今急需建构中国自主哲学知识体系的特殊情势下,开掘“自生”理念独特且丰富的内涵,以建构儒家生生哲学,或许是一个值得期待的选项。 The term“Zi Sheng”refers to the occurrence of all things stemming from their inherent basis.This inherent basis governs the success or failure of the transformation of things,the types,quality,process,and outcomes of this transformation.In essence,“Zi Sheng”is the ultimate determinant of all issues in the process of life,representing the unity of rights and responsibilities.Examining ancient Chinese Confucianism literature,“Zi Sheng”is a fundamental concept embedded in Confucianism,and has always been hidden behind categories such as Tian and Di(天地),Taiji(太极),Qi(气),the Mind(心),Dao(道),and Li(理).As a result,when people think of the root categories of Chinese philosophy of Confucianism,they rarely recall the low-profile concept of“Zi Sheng”.In fact,the creation by Tian and Di,Taiji,the Mind,Yin and Yang,and the Seeds(种子)all ultimately return to the creation by“nature”.This is what Xunzi meant by“the inherent qualities that make life what it is are called nature.”“Nature”refers to the inherent qualities that define all things,which are the basis for both humans and objects to be themselves,thus the life-giving force is self-generated.In this way,the concept of“Zi Sheng”undertakes the mission of clearing obstacles and forging a path for Confucianism.The concept of“Zi Sheng”can not only condense all the essence of Confucian thought but also clear all the Confucian theoretical contexts;it can not only eliminate the dross and impurities in Confucian thought but also regenerate a variety of colorful Confucian concepts;it can not only assist in the transformation of Confucian thought but also promote its development.Therefore,the concept of“Zi Sheng”,with its source and application,is uniquely rich in content.In the current special situation where there is an urgent need to build an independent Chinese philosophical knowledge system,exploring the unique and rich connotations of this concept to construct a Confucian philosophy of life might be an option worth looki
作者 李承贵 LI Cheng-gui
出处 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期49-63,共15页 Hebei Academic Journal
基金 2016年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地(山东大学易学与中国古代哲学研究中心)重大项目“儒家生生思想研究——以易学为中心”(16JJD720012)。
关键词 儒家 自生 性生物 儒家生生哲学 Confucianism,Zi Sheng the creation by“nature” Confucian philosophy of Sheng Sheng(生生)
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