

Mechanical Performance Analysis of Grouting Sleeve Assembled Concrete Highway Bridge Piers
摘要 随着工程技术发展,公路桥梁下部结构也开始应用预制装配式技术。与现浇墩柱相比,装配式桥墩连接节点存在二次浇筑,降低了连接处整体性,其力学性能受到一定影响。本文依托古神公路古镇快线互通立交项目,计算了灌浆套筒连接的极限承载力,并采用Midas-FEA对装配式桥墩和现浇桥墩建立有限元模型,揭示了传力机理并分析了装配式桥墩的力学性能。结果表明:装配式灌浆套筒连接满足强节点、弱构件的受力要求;弹性阶段,装配式桥墩与现浇桥墩抗扭和抗剪力学性能基本一致,弹塑性阶段,装配式桥墩刚度退化程度较大;水平剪力作用下,装配式桥墩的最大位移出现在盖梁上部,最大剪应力及钢筋最大拉应力出现在墩身与承台连接处;扭矩作用下,装配式桥墩的最大位移出现在盖梁两端,最大剪应力出现在墩身四周,钢筋最大拉应力出现在墩柱与盖梁连接处。 With the development of engineering technology,prefabricated assembly technology has started to be applied to the substructure of highway bridge engineering.Compared to cast-in-place construction,the secondary pouring at the connection joints of prefabricated pier reduces the overall integrity of the connections,so the mechanical performance of prefabricated pier is influenced.Based on the Gushen Highway and Guzhen Express Interchange Project,the ultimate bearing capacity of grouting sleeve connection was calculated,and Midas-FEA was used to establish refined finite element models of prefabricated and castin-place piers to reveal their force transmission performance in this paper.And the mechanical performance of prefabricated piers was also analyzed.The results show that the assembled grouting sleeve connection meets the stress requirements of strong joints and weak members.In the elastic stage,the torsional and shear mechanical performance of the assembled pier and the cast-in-place pier are basically the same,but in the elastic-plastic stage,the stiffness degradation degree of the prefabricated pier is large.Under the action of shear force,the maximum displacement of prefabricated pier occurs at the upper part of the cap beam,and the maximum shearing stress of prefabricated pier and the tensile stress of steel bar occur at the connection between the pier and the cap.Under the action of torque,the maximum displacement of prefabricated pier occurs at both ends of the cap beam,and the maximum shearing stress of prefabricated pier appears around the pier but the tensile stress of steel bar occurs at the connection between the pier and the cap.
作者 郭俊峰 GUO Junfeng(China Railway 23rd Bureau Group No.3 Engineering Co.Ltd.,Chengdu Sichuan 611137,China)
出处 《铁道建筑技术》 2024年第11期29-34,共6页 Railway Construction Technology
基金 中铁二十三局集团有限公司科研计划课题(2023-01B)。
关键词 装配式 墩柱 盖梁 预制 灌浆套筒 assembly piers and columns cap beam prefabricated grouting sleeve
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