

Application of Disinfectants in Rural Drinking Water Pipe Networks
摘要 为解决C市T区深丘区域管网水中余氯含量长期较低,无法达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2022)大于0.05 mg/L要求的问题,研究设计了一套人工投加消毒剂的装置。该装置因地制宜,在考虑现场条件极其简陋、人员素质较为低下等因素的基础上,排除使用常规的液氯以及次氯酸钠作为消毒介质,选用较为安全的漂白粉配置的消毒剂,在一级加压站水箱与水泵之间的管道上,利用水泵前端的负压抽吸作用,让消毒剂自流进入管道。随后利用水泵叶轮的搅拌作用,将消毒剂与原水充分混合,完成投加。加氯水通过二级加压站再次搅拌以及高位水箱的短时储存进入市政管网。通过国家水质检测网C市检测站对该区域用户终端水质2020年、2021年和2022年这3年的9月—12月的余氯监测结果比较中发现,通过该装置投加了消毒剂后,自来水中余氯含量全面提高,所有监测点水质均达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2022)大于0.05 mg/L的要求,区域水质余氯含量低的安全隐患全面解决。该装置设计巧妙,投加点选择恰当,消毒剂选用合理,效果显著,是农村饮用水管理工作中的一个创新。在有效解决该区域自来水余氯含量较低问题的示范作用下,该装置可以推广到我国广大农村类似区域,为我国发展助力。 The objective of this study is to solve the problem that the residual chlorine content in the water of the deep hill area of T District of C city is low for a long time,and cannot meet the requirements of the Standards for Drinking Water Quality(GB 57492022)greater than 0.05 mg/L.A device for manual dosing of disinfectant is designed.According to local conditions,on the basis of considering the extremely poor site conditions and low personnel quality,the device excludes the use of conventional liquid chlorine and sodium hypochlorite as disinfection media,selects a disinfectant with relatively safe bleaching powder,and uses the negative pressure suction effect at the front end of the water pump on the pipeline between the water tank and the water pump of the first-level pressurization station to let the disinfectant flow into the pipeline by self-flow.Then,the agitation of the impeller of the water pump is used to fully mix the disinfectant with the raw water and complete the dosing.The chlorinated water is reagitated by a secondary pressurization station and short-term storage in a high-level tank into the municipal network.Through the comparison of the residual chlorine monitoring results of the user terminal water quality in the region from September to December in 2020,2021 and 2022,it is found that after the disinfectant is added to the device,the residual chlorine content in the tap water is comprehensively improved,and the water quality of all monitoring points meet the requirements of the Standards for Drinking Water Quality(GB 5749-2022)greater than 0.05 mg/L,and the potential safety hazard of low residual chlorine content in the regional water quality is fully solved.The device is an innovation in rural drinking water management,with ingenious design,appropriate selection of dosing points,reasonable selection of disinfectant,and remarkable effect.Under the demonstration role of effectively solving the problem of low residual chlorine content of tap water in the region,the device can be extended to simila
作者 曾鸣 张昆 骆明成 ZENG Ming;ZHANG Kun;LUO Mingcheng(Chengnan Pipeline Network,Chengdu Municipal Waterworks Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610095,China)
出处 《净水技术》 CAS 2024年第S02期308-314,共7页 Water Purification Technology
基金 成都环境集团有限公司技改技革项目:一种解决管网末端自来水余氯不达标的装置。
关键词 深丘区域 余氯含量 投加装置 设计巧妙 消除隐患 deep hill area residual chlorine content dosing device ingenious designed eliminate hidden dangers
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