

“Keeping the People Ignorant”or“Enlightening the People”:A Critical Review of the Educational Thoughts and Practices of Yang Zengxin,the First Governor General of Xinjiang in the Republic of China
摘要 对于民国首任新疆省长兼督军杨增新的教育思想与实践,学界的评价可谓众说纷纭且前后割裂相悖,即对其清末为官甘新时期多持肯定评价,而对其民初主政新疆时期多以“愚民政策”加以贬责。但是,这一前后割裂而相悖的评价并非切实。事实上,作为一位庭训所成、学优而仕的科举正途出身官员,他在仕宦甘新时期亦可谓“仕学相资”,不仅在公余之暇通过“日日读书”、“日日见客”来增广学识见闻积累与天理人情觉悟,而且明确反对老子的“愚民”思想,并在汲取先秦诸子乃至宋明儒家传统教育思想的基础上,提出了“读书”、“勤学”、“开民智”,“养蒙以正”、“养民在学校”,“欲教民先教官”、“欲教兵先教将”等教育主张,还致力于兴书院、办学堂、建学校以及教官教将的教育教学实践,推动了清末甘肃河州书院教育的复兴、甘肃省城新式学堂教育的兴办、新疆法政武备学堂的教育变革以及民初新疆各级各类教育的恢复与重建,从文教思想与政策实践上为多民族杂居共处的甘新社会和平稳定发展提供了基础与保障。他的教育思想与实践举措,反映出清末民初西北民族区域省级地方军政长官在办学与教学实践上的积极探索、经验积淀以及睿智洞见,一定程度揭示了晚清民初西北边疆民族地区从传统书院、寺院经堂教育向近代化学堂学校教育转型发展的困难与多歧以及以教育之力统合各边疆民族以铸牢中华民族国家意识的困境局限与艰难曲折,显然并非“愚民政策”这一带有贬责意涵的概念所能概括论定的。 Scholarly evaluations of Yang Zengxin,the first Governor General of Xinjiang in the Republic of China,have been both diverse and contradictory.While his tenure in Gansu and Xinjiang during the late Qing Dynasty is often viewed positively,his rule over Xinjiang in the early Republic is frequently characterized as a policy of“fooling the people”.However,this dichotomous assessment is not entirely accurate.In fact,Yang Zengxin was a scholar official who rose through the ranks through the traditional civil service examination system.His career in Gansu and Xinjiang was marked by a commitment to both scholarship and public service.He not only dedicated himself to daily reading and social engagement to broaden his knowledge and understanding,but also explicitly rejected Laozi’s notion of“fooling the people”.Drawing on the educational philosophies of pre Qin thinkers and Song Ming Confucianism,Yang Zengxin advocated for“cultivating the innate goodness”,“learning and practicing regularly”,and“lifelong learning”.He also proposed educational principles such as“encouraging reading”,“promoting diligent study”,“opening the minds of the people”,“cultivating the innate goodness”,and“prioritizing education in schools”.To implement these ideas,he actively promoted the establishment of academies,schools,and military training institutions in Gansu and Xinjiang.His efforts revitalized education in Hezhou,Gansu,and established modern schools in the provincial capital.Moreover,he reformed education in Xinjiang’s legal and military academies.Yang Zengxin’s educational thought and practices laid the foundation for the stability and development of Gansu and Xinjiang,regions characterized by their diverse ethnic populations.His approach to governance,which emphasized both education and nurturing,was grounded in the principles of“five race republic”,“internal pacification and external defense”,and a gradualist approach to educational expansion.Yang Zengxin’s experiences offer valuable
作者 凌兴珍 Ling Xingzhen(Editorial Office of Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition),School of History Culture and Tourism,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu,Sichuan,China)
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期161-188,204,共29页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目“国民政府时期边疆教育委员会研究(1939-1946)”(19BMZ03) 四川师范大学铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地2024年“揭榜挂帅”课题“铸牢中华民族共同体意识的教育体系研究”(CSD24-07)的阶段性成果。
关键词 民国首任新疆省长兼督军 杨增新 教育思想与实践 “愚民”抑或“开民智” first Governor General of Xinjiang in the Republic of China Yang Zengxin educational thoughts and practices “Keeping the People Ignorant”or“Enlightening the People”
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