

Measurement and Comprehensive Zoning of Land Space Utilization Efficiency in Yunnan Province from Low Carbon Perspective
摘要 [目的]在碳中和背景下进行云南省国土空间利用效率测度及空间综合分区,为提出差异化国土空间低碳、高效发展策略提供科学参考。[方法]利用2020年云南省16个州市单元面板数据,基于非期望超效率SBM模型测度低碳视角下的国土空间利用效率,并结合碳效益指数划分综合分区,提出各区优化建议。[结果]①2020年云南省碳排放量为1.23×10^(8)t,其中生产空间碳排放远大于生活空间,前者几乎是后者的31倍,碳吸收量为1.40×10^(7)t,仅为碳排放量的1/10。②2020年云南省国土空间利用效率仅为0.628,呈现出滇中和滇西北较高,滇东、滇西南较低的空间分布格局;具体到各州市,仅西双版纳、迪庆和玉溪达到高效利用,效率最大值为1.430,而昭通市利用效率最低,仅为0.490。③基于国土空间利用效率与碳效益指数,最终形成低碳保持-高效率、碳汇功能-高效率、碳汇功能-中等效率、碳汇功能-低效率、碳强度控制-高效率、碳强度控制-中等效率和高碳优化-低效率7个综合分区,并提出各区差异化管治策略。[结论]当前云南省碳吸收远不足以抵消碳排放,整体表现为碳源,国土空间利用仍较为粗放,利用效率还有很大提升潜力,国土空间利用效率分布具有明显的区域非均衡性,在制定国土空间低碳发展与高效利用策略时应予以重视。 [Objective]The measurement of land space use efficiency and comprehensive spatial zoning in Yunnan Province were studied,considering carbon neutrality,provide a reference for proposing differentiated low-carbon and high-efficiency land space development strategies.[Methods]Using 2020 panel data of 16 municipal units in Yunnan Province,the spatial utilization efficiency of the national territory under the low-carbon perspective were measured based on the non-expected output super-efficiency SBM model,and comprehensive zoning were performed considering the carbon efficiency index;subsequently,optimization suggestions for each zone are put forward.[Results]①The carbon emission in Yunnan Province in 2020 was 1.23×10^(8)tonnes,with production-space-related emissions accounting for a much larger proportion than living-space-related emissions:the former was almost 31 times as much as the latter.Further,carbon absorption was 1.40×10^(7) tonnes,which is only one-tenth of the carbon emission.②In 2020,the land space utilization efficiency of Yunnan Province was only 0.628,showing a spatial distribution pattern that is higher in central and northwestern Yunnan,and lower in eastern and southwestern Yunnan.Specifically,only Xishuangbanna,Diqing and Yuxi reached high efficiency utilization,with the maximum efficiency of 1.43,while Zhaotong had the lowest utilization efficiency of 0.49.③Based on the land space utilization efficiency and the carbon efficiency index,7 comprehensive zones-Low carbon retention-High efficiency,Carbon sink function-High efficiency,Carbon sink function-Moderate efficiency,Carbon sink function-Low efficiency,Carbon intensity control-High efficiency,Carbon intensity control-Moderate efficiency,and High carbon optimization-Low efficiency-are derived,and a differentiated governance strategy for each zone is put forward.[Conclusion]At present,carbon absorption in Yunnan Province is far from enough to offset carbon emissions,and the overall performance is carbon source.The utilization of territorial
作者 陶俊逸 叶显民 汪小宝 周玉琴 冉玉菊 熊波 董雯雯 赵筱青 Tao Junyi;Ye Xianmin;Wang Xiaobao;Zhou Yuqin;Ran Yuju;Xiong Bo;Dong Wenwen;Zhao Xiaoqing(School of Geosciences,Yunnan University,Kunming,Yunnan 650500,China;Institute of International Rivers and Ecological Security,Yunnan University,Kunming,Yunnan 650500,China;Yunnan Institute of Land Resources Planning and Design,Kunming,Yunnan 650500,China)
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期347-357,共11页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 云南省西南联合研究生院科技专项(基础研究和应用基础研究重大项目)“滇中城市群国土空间多目标优化与高质量发展提升路径研究”(202302AO370007) 云南省产教融合研究生联合培养基地项目(CZ22622203-2022-29) 国家自然科学基金项目“滇池流域资源-环境演变及国土空间冲突调控研究”(42471320)。
关键词 碳中和 国土空间利用效率 非期望超效率SBM模型 国土空间综合分区 云南省 carbon neutrality territorial space utilization efficiency undesirable super-efficiency SBM model territorial space comprehensive zone Yunnan Province
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