

Cultural Characteristics of the Literary Families in Jingchu during the Ming Dynasty:Focusing on the Wang’s Family of Shishou
摘要 荆楚文学家族多因科举的成功及个人声名的传播和影响,逐渐在家族中形成一种文学传统,继而扩大为一个具有科举和文化多元特征的文学家族群体。其形成与荆楚教育、家族成员交游、家族对家风家学的重视息息关联。石首王氏家族是明代湖广荆州府石首县的一个科举世家、仕宦士族、文学家族以及地方望族。尤其是晚明王启茂兄弟五人,光绪《荆州府志》赞称其为“五凤”,在明代荆楚文化中有着较为重要的地位。王氏家族人才济济、以诗见长,凭借科举实现了阶层跃升,又通过每代族人的仕宦巩固家族地位,家族文脉相承不辍,家势家风持续绵远。石首王氏家族既是荆楚地域文化的产物,也是古代荆楚文学家族的典型代表。研究王氏家族及其文化特点,对我们了解和把握荆楚文学家族的传承和发展,以及中华民族文化的地域特点都具有一定意义。 Many literary families in Jingchu developed literary traditions within their families due to success in the imperial examinations and the spread and influence of personal reputations,which then expanded into literary family groups characterized by both the imperial examination system and cultural diversity.Their formation is closely related to education of Jingchu region,the interactions between family members,and the family’s emphasis on family traditions and learning.The Wang’s family in Shishou County,Jingzhou State of Huguang Prefecture during the Ming Dynasty was a prominent family known for its success in the imperial examinations,its members’official careers,and its literary achievements,making it a respected local aristocratic family.Notably,in the late Ming Dynasty,the five Wang brothers,known as the“Five Phoenixes”,were highly praised in the Gazetteer of Jingzhou State compiled during Emperor Guangxu’s reign.The Wang’s family held an important position in Jingchu culture during the Ming Dynasty.Excelling in poetry,the family rose in social status through the imperial examination system and further solidified their standing through the official careers of generations,with their literary tradition and family influence enduring for generations.The Wang’s family of Shishou is both a product of the local Jingchu culture and a typical representative of ancient literary families in the region.Studying the Wang’s family and its cultural characteristics is significant for understanding the inheritance and development of literary families in Jingchu,as well as the regional characteristics of Chinese culture.
作者 吴桂美 WU Gui-mei
出处 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第10期110-119,185,186,共12页 Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“古代荆楚文学家族研究”(17BZW123) 湖北省教育厅项目“明代石首王氏家族及其家族文学特点研究”(23Y032)。
关键词 明代 文学家族 荆楚文化 石首 王氏家族 Ming Dynasty literary family Jingchu culture Shishou Wang’s family
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