目的 探讨药师应用PDCA管理法对精神药物处方进行规范性管理的效果及可行性。方法 选取2022年1月至12月山西医科大学附属运城市中心医院药剂科639例精神疾病药物处方为研究对象,根据是否实施PDCA管理将处方分为常规管理组(354例)和PDCA管理组(285例)。常规管理组于2022年1月至6月行传统管理模式,PDCA管理组于8月至12月正式实施PDCA管理法,7月学习PDCA管理法及预实行。采用卡方检验分析两组的精神药物的合理用药率、处方规范性及不良反应监测报告差异,采用t检验分析实施前后两组药学质量管理及处方满意度评分的差异,以评估PDCA管理法的应用效果。结果 实施PDCA管理法后,常规管理组的合理用药率低于PDCA管理组[93.50%(331/354) vs 97.54%(278/285),P<0.05];精神药物处方规范性提高,PDCA管理组的处方错误率低于常规管理组[2.46%(7/285) vs 6.50%(23/354),P<0.05]。PDCA管理组药学管理质量评分及处方满意度评分分别为(96.46±3.21)分,(96.33±2.42)分,均高于常规管理组[分别为(82.57±5.92)分,(81.76±4.75)分](均P<0.05)。同时,因处方开具不当等原因造成的精神药物不良反应报告数量由常规管理组的5.65%(20/354)减少为PDCA管理组的2.11%(6/285)(P<0.05)。结论 药师应用PDCA管理法对精神药物处方进行管理,可提高处方管理质量和处方满意度,降低管理差错率,促进处方规范性管理。
Objective To investigate the effectiveness and feasibility of pharmacists'application of the PDCA management method for the standardized management of psychotropic drug prescriptions.Methods The prescriptions of 639 patients who were prescribed to receive treatment with psychotropic drugs in Yuncheng Central Hospital from January to December in 2022 were selected as the study subjects and divided into the conventional management group(n=354)and the PDCA management group(n=285)based on the prescription data before and after the implementation of the PDCA management method.The conventional management mode was used in the conventional management group from January to June in 2022 while the formal implementation of the PDCA management method was conducted in the PDCA management group from August to December in 2022.For the PDCA management group,PDCA management method was learned and pre-implementation conducted in July 2022.The chi-square test was used to analyze the differences in the rational medication rate,prescribing standardization and adverse reaction monitoring reports of psychotropic drugs between the conventional management group and the PDCA management group.The t-test was used to determine the differences in the pharmacy management quality score and prescription satisfaction score to assess the effectiveness of the application of the PDCA management method.Results After the implementation of PDCA management method,the rate of rational medication use increased from 93.50%(331/354)in the conventional management group to 97.54%(278/285)in the PDCA management group(P<0.05).The standardization of psychotropic drug prescribing improved,and the rate of prescribing errors decreased from 6.50%(23/354)in the conventional management group to 2.46%(7/285)in the PDCA management group(P<0.05).Pharmacy management quality score and prescription satisfaction score of the PDCA management group were(96.46±3.21),(96.33±2.42),respectively,which were higher than those of the conventional management group((82.57±5.92),(81.76
Li Jia-heng;Qu Fen-fen;Lei Xu-zhen(Department of Pharmacy,Yuncheng Central Hospital Affiliated to Shanxi Medical University,Yuncheng 044000,China)
Chinese Journal of Drug Application and Monitoring
PDCA management method
Psychotropic drug
Prescribing regularity
Effect analysis