

Preliminary Investigation on Flower-visiting Beetles of Castanea mollissina in Xingdou Mountain of Hubei
摘要 为了解星斗山国家级自然保护区板栗访花甲虫的多样性现状,2021年6月开展了该保护区内板栗访花甲虫的系统调查,采用扫网的方式进行标本采集。本次调查共采集到访花甲虫标本110号,隶属8科17属21种。每种给出了背面观照片,并首次发现了雪纹花甲的黄色型个体。研究结果表明该保护区访花甲虫种类丰富,多样性较高。 In order to understand the diversity of flower-visiting beetles on Castanea mollissina in Xingduo Mountain National Nature Reserve,a systematic survey was carried out in the reserve in June 2021.The specimens were collected by sweeping on the flowers.A total of 110 specimens of visiting-flower beetles,belonging to 21 species in 17 genera of 8 families,were collected during this survey.all species were illustrated.Yellow individuals of Dascillus nivipictus were discovered for the first time.The results of this survey indicated that the species of flower-visiting beetles in the reserve are rich and highly diverse.
作者 王长治 吴迪 刘田 陈佳玲 张亮 王平 王英奇 Wang Changzhi;Wu Di;Liu Tian;Chen Jialing;Zhang Liang;Wang Ping;Wang Yingqi(Administrative Bureau of Xingdou Mountain National Nature Reserve,Enshi 445000;College of Agriculture,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025)
出处 《湖北林业科技》 2024年第5期49-52,64,共5页 Hubei Forestry Science and Technology
基金 湖北省自然科学基金(2024AFB254)的资助
关键词 访花甲虫 板栗 星斗山自然保护区 flower-visiting beetles Castanea mollissina Xingdou Mountain Nature Reserve
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