

Disability and Care:A Moral Education Approach Based on the Capabilities Approach
摘要 残疾作为人类在社会发展中脆弱性与依赖性的客观体现,是生命的基本样态之一。传统道德哲学视域中建构的人类“好生活”是一种崇尚德性的完满生活,因遵循理性主义精神范式而将残疾视为人类过上“好生活”的阻碍,残疾被置于理性的对立面,进而忽视了残疾主体内在的道德发展需求及其追求“好生活”的可能性。基于此,努斯鲍姆在反思传统契约论式的残疾建构基础上,提出了一种基于强烈同情感与尊严的可行能力理论,强调公共教育作为帮助残疾学生在追求“好生活”过程中积极实现其可行能力的基本手段,应在尊重残疾学生主体性的基础上培育其道德品质。这一可行能力进路对当前融合教育生态下的道德教育如何满足残疾学生的道德成长需求,强化儿童之善,培育其健全人格以融入社会提供了积极启示。 As an objective manifestation of vulnerability and dependence in the development of human society,disability is one of the basic forms of life.The“good life”of human beings constructed in the perspective of traditional moral philosophy is a kind of perfect life advocating virtue.Because of following the spirit paradigm of rationalism,disability is regarded as an obstacle to the“good life”of human beings,and disability is placed on the opposite side of rationality,thus ignoring the inherent moral development needs of disabled individuals and the possibility of pursuing a“good life”.Based on this,Nussbaum put forward the capabilities approach based on strong empathy and dignity on the basis of reflecting on the contract-type disability construction,emphasizing that public education,as a basic means to ensure that disabled students actively realize their capabilities in the process of pursuing a“good life”,should cultivate their moral quality on the basis of respecting the return of the subjectivity of disabled students.The capabilities approach provides a positive enlightenment on how the school moral education under the current integrated education ecology can meet the moral growth needs of disabled students,highlight the goodness of children,and cultivate a sound personality to integrate into society.
作者 杨银 YANG Yin(Institute of Moral Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期126-138,共13页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 全国教育科学规划2024年度国家一般课题“残疾人拔尖创新人才一体化培养的挑战与对策研究”(BQA240211)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 脆弱性 好生活 残疾学生 可行能力理论 道德教育 儿童之善 vulnerability good life children with disabilities the capabilities approach moral education kindness of children
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