

Yangqi Fanghui and Tea Zen in the Song Dynasty
摘要 唐宋禅宗素有“五家七宗”之说。江西之茶禅文化,以禅宗南岳怀让一系为代表,自百丈怀海开禅门茶事之先河,黄檗祖师有黄檗禅茶之远名,迨至宋代,圆悟克勤启日本茶道文化之风气。杨岐方会为宋代临济宗杨岐派的开派祖师,其茶禅远承百丈怀海、黄檗希运,融摄天童咸启,其法嗣三传至圆悟克勤,最终远传日本,为中国禅茶文化的传播与发展作出了巨大的贡献,亦可见中国古代茶禅文化发展之一端。杨岐方会将茶文化与禅文化结合,有以茶入禅之机用,有勘过吃茶之圆融,既可见“慈悲利人、提振纲宗”的禅学思想,也反映入宋以后以茶入禅、茶禅一味所带来的禅法禅风的转变。 During the Tang and Song dynasties,Zen Buddhism was composed of the“Five Schools and Seven Sects”.The tea Zen culture in Jiangxi was represented by the Huairang school of Zen Buddhism in Nanyue.Since the opening of the Zen tea ceremony at Baizhang Huaihai,the founder of Huangbo tea had been renowned for Huangbo Zen tea.It was not until the Song Dynasty that Yuanwu Keqin pioneered the tea ceremony culture in Japan.Yangqi Fanghui was the founder of the Yangqi School of the Linji Sect in the Song Dynasty.His tea Zen inherited the fortunes of Baizhang Huaihai and Huangbo Xiyun,and integrated the teachings of Tiantong Xianqi.His teachings had been passed down to Yuanwu Keqin for three generations,and eventually spread to Japan,making great contributions to the dissemination and development of Chinese Zen tea culture.This also reflects one aspect of the development of ancient Chinese tea Zen culture.Yangqi Fanghui combined tea culture with Zen culture,using tea as an opportunity to practice Zen and exploring the harmony of tea drinking.This not only reflects the Zen philosophy of“compassion for the benefit of others and the elevation of the school of thought”,but also reflects the transformation of Zen style brought about by the integration of tea into Zen and the tasting of Zen in tea since the Song Dynasty.
作者 王建平 Wang Jianping
出处 《农业考古》 北大核心 2024年第5期162-167,共6页 Agricultural Archaeology
关键词 杨岐方会 临济宗 茶禅一味 “且坐吃茶” Yangqi Fanghui Linji Sect of Zen the practice of tasting Zen in tea the leisure of sitting down for tea
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