

Effects of Pulsed Electric Field on Photosynthetic Electron Transport and Negative Air Ion Releasing of Agave americana
摘要 【目的】探明脉冲电场刺激对金边龙舌兰(Agave americana var.Marginata)光合电子传递链和释放负离子能力的影响。【方法】采用0 k V(对照,CK)、5 k V(T1)和7 k V(T2)3个不同脉冲电场处理刺激金边龙舌兰,比较和分析不同刺激下金边龙舌兰的叶绿素含量、快速叶绿素荧光诱导动力曲线(Rapid Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Kinetics Curve,OJIP曲线)、叶绿素荧光参数和负离子释放浓度的变化情况。【结果】(1)脉冲电场技术刺激金边龙舌兰后,两处理组叶绿素含量分别增长6.30%、6.70%,两处理组与CK组之间存在显著差异;(2)两处理组OJIP曲线,偏转(I)和最高峰(P)值均高于原点(O)和拐点(J)值,I-P段的上升趋势较O-J段平缓。同时,J-band均大于0,T2处理组峰值高于T1处理组;(3)叶绿素荧光参数均呈波动的变化趋势,其中最大荧光强度(F_(m))、单位面积捕获能量(TR_(o)/CS_(o))等整体呈现上升的趋势,PSⅡ光合系统潜在活性(F_(v)/F_(o))、PSⅡ受体侧电子传递体数(S_(m))等整体呈现下降的趋势,最大光量子效率(F_(v)/F_(m))、J点相对可变荧光强度(Vj)等整体变化不大。吸收光能为基础的性能指数(PIabs)均出现减小的趋势,其中T1处理组减小18.60%,T2处理组减小14.1%。CK处理组综合性能参数(PItotal)大于T1处理组和T2处理组;(4)T1处理组,脉冲电场刺激4 h相较于脉冲刺激3 h时,NAI浓度增长87.60%。T2处理组,脉冲电场刺激4 h后,相较于脉冲刺激3 h时,NAI浓度增长62.09%,其中在脉冲1~4 h,两处理组之间、二者与CK组之间NAI释放浓度存在显著差异。【结论】脉冲电场技术对金边龙舌兰光合电子传递链产生影响,进而对其释放负离子能力等产生影响。 【Objective】To investigate the effects of pulsed electric field on the photosynthetic electron transport and ability to release negative air ions(NAIs)of Agave americana were investigated.【Method】Chlorophyll content,rapid chlorophyll fluorescence kinetic functions(OJIP curve),chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,and NAI concentration of A.americana var.Marginata exposed to a pulsed electric field at 0 kV(CK),5 kV(T1),or 7 kV(T2)were determined.【Result】(1)T1 and T2 significantly increased the chlorophyll content over CK by 6.30%and 6.70%,respectively.(2)The OJIP curves had higher deflection(I)and peak(P)than the origin(O)and inflection point(J),a flatter upward trend on I-P than on O-J,and a greater than 0 J-band with the peak of T2 higher than that of T1.(3)T1 and T2 also caused the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to generally rise on the peak fluorescence intensity(F_(m))and energy captured by unit reaction center(TR_(o)/CS_(o)),fall on the PSⅡlight,system potential activity(F_(v)/Fo),and number of electron transmitters on PSⅡacceptor side(S_(m)),and maintain a stable maximum light quantum efficiency(F_(v)/F_(m))as well as fluorescence at J-step(Vj).The performance index based on light energy absorption(PIabs)decreased with an 18.60%reduction by T1 and 14.1%by T2.The comprehensive performance parameter(PItotal)under CK was greater than that under T1 or T2.(4)After a 4h treatment,the NAI concentration increased 87.60%under T1 and 62.09%under T2 from an hour previously.And,during that time,the concentrations differed significantly between T1 and T2,as well as in comparison with CK.【Conclusion】Exposure to a pulsed electric field significantly affected the photosynthetic electron transport and NAIs releasing of A.americana.The findings disclosed a means to identify potentially applicable germplasms and a physical treatment to enrich the unique biological function of the plant.
作者 刘津 翁海勇 程致元 吴仁烨 LIU Jin;WENG Haiyong;CHENG Zhiyuan;WU Renye(College of Agriculture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Cross-strait Agricultural Technology Cooperation Center,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China;College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China)
出处 《福建农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期801-809,共9页 Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(2021J01077) 福建农林大学科技创新专项基金(CXZX2019030G、CXZX2019031)。
关键词 金边龙舌兰 脉冲电场 负离子 OJIP曲线 叶绿素含量 叶绿素荧光参数 Agave americana var.Marginata pulsed electric field negative air ions OJIP curves chlorophyll content chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
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