

Effects of^(60)Co-γRadiation on Seed Ultrastructure,Leaf Surface Microstructure and Molecular Identification of Capsicum annuum
摘要 由于朝天椒种质资源多态性低、遗传基础狭窄,加强人工培育朝天椒种质资源尤为重要。为研究^(60)Co-γ辐射对朝天椒的影响,以朝天椒常规品种中农千斤红为试材,对朝天椒干种子进行不同^(60)Co-γ辐射剂量处理(0、25、50、100、200、300、400、500、600 Gy),以无辐射种子为对照,对各处理种子发芽率、成苗率、畸形率、种胚超微结构、叶片显微结构进行测定,并采用SSR分子标记对辐射后长成的幼苗进行分子鉴定。结果表明:辐射剂量小于200 Gy时种子的发芽率、出苗率和成苗率均大于70%;辐射剂量为0、25、50 Gy时辣椒幼苗畸形率均为0%,辐射剂量达100 Gy后畸形率随辐射剂量的增加而增加。对照种子在种胚萌动过程中种胚细胞内线粒体及细胞核等主要细胞器的结构形态均表现正常,^(60)Co-γ辐射剂量为25、200 Gy时种胚内主要细胞器结构和形态仍较为正常,但是随着辐射剂量的增长和辐射时间的增加,种胚细胞的超微结构被损伤的程度愈发严重,线粒体由椭球形膨大成圆球形,脂体变透明,胞质膜、核膜破裂加重,细胞核变形严重,种胚细胞行为异常,直至丧失分裂、代谢功能。经过辐射处理的辣椒种子,长成的幼苗叶片上、下表皮的气孔数与辐射剂量成正相关,表皮细胞的形状也因辐射剂量的增长变得扭曲。经辐射诱变后的长成材料经SSR分子鉴定,较对照发生DNA水平上的变异,扩增谱带突变类型主要为“条带新增型”“混合型”和“条带缺失型”。本试验筛选出了适宜的^(60)Co-γ辐射剂量为200 Gy,以及适宜的引物用于诱变材料SSR分子鉴定,为朝天椒辐射育种提供一定的有益参考。 Because of the low polymorphism and narrow genetic basis of pod pepper germplasm resources,it is particularly important to strengthen artificial cultivation of pod pepper germplasm resources.In order to study the effect of^(60)Co-γradiation on pod pepper,the common variety of pod pepper'Zhongnong Qianjinhong'was used as the test material,and the dry seeds of pod pepper were treated with different doses of^(60)Co-γ(0,25,50,100,200,300,400,500,600 Gy)radiation,with seeds of no radiation as the control,the seed germination rate,seedling formation rate,seed embryo ultrastructure and leaf microstructure of irradiated seeds were measured,and the seedlings grown after irradiation were identified by SSR molecular markers.The results showed that when the radiation dose was less than 200 Gy,the germination rate,emergence rate,deformity rate and seedling formation rate of seeds were all over 70%.When the radiation dose were 0,25,50 Gy,the deformity rate of pepper seedlings were all 0%,and the deformity rate increased with the increasing of radiation dose when it was greater than 100 Gy.The structure and morphology of the main organelles such as mitochondria and nuclei in the embryo cells of the control seeds were normal during the germination of the embryo,and the main organelles in the embryo were still normal after the irradiation doses of^(60)Co-γwere 25 Gy and 200 Gy.However,with the increase of radiation dose and the extension of radiation time,the damage of the ultrastructure of the embryo became more and more serious,with mitochondria expanding from ellipsoidal shape to spherical shape,lipid bodies becoming transparent,the rupture of plasma membrane and nuclear membrane worsening,and the deformation of the nuclear becoming severe.The behavior of embryonic cell became abnormal until they lose their division and metabolic functions.After radiation treatment of pepper seeds,the number of stomata in the upper and lower surfaces of the seedling leaves were positively correlated with the radiation dose,and the shape of
作者 龙茶 常媚瑕 苏世贤 郑汝忠 何杨波 牟海林 韦金江 张学琴 黄习妍 刘青媛 李伟 LONG Cha;CHANG Meixia;SU Shixian;ZHENG Ruzhong;HE Yangbo;MOU Hailin;WEI Jinjiang;ZHANG Xueqin;HUANG Xiyan;LIU Qingyuan;LI Wei(College of Agriculture,Guizhou University/Vegetable Research Institue,Guizhou University/Engineering Research Center for Protected Vegetable Crops in Higher Learning Institutions of Guizhou Province,Guiyang 550025,China;Guizhou Wanjia Industrial Group Co.,Ltd.,Anshun 561107,China;Guizhou Institute of Modern Agricultural Development,Guiyang 550006,China)
出处 《蔬菜》 2024年第10期24-34,共11页 Vegetables
基金 国家自然科学基金地区项目(项目批准号31760576) 贵州省高等学校设施蔬菜工程研究中心平台建设项目(黔教技[2022]040号) 贵州省科技成果应用及产业化计划一般项目(黔科合成果[2023]一般369) 贵州省科技支撑计划定向重点项目(黔科合支撑[2022]重点010号) 贵州省科技成果应用及产业化计划重点项目(黔科合成果[2020]1Z005号)。
关键词 朝天椒 钴60 辐射剂量 超微结构 SSR分子鉴定 诱变育种 逆境应答 逆境胁迫 pod pepperr cobalt 60 radiation dose ultrastructure SSR molecular identification mutation breeding abiotic stress response adversity stress
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