

Comparative Analysis of the Extratropical Transition of Two Similar Track Northward Typhoons in 2020
摘要 为提升对北上台风登陆后引发的大风和强降水的防御能力,使用常规观测资料及ERA5(0.25°×0.25°)再分析资料,对2008号台风“巴威”和2010号台风“海神”进行对比分析。结果表明:两次台风在北上过程中均与副热带高压和中纬度西风带系统有紧密联系“。巴威”北上时,冷空气位置偏南,导致“巴威”变性后的温带气旋强度较弱;而“海神”与冷槽合并,大气斜压性增强,导致“海神”变性后的温带气旋强度较强。两次过程中副热带高压位置均偏北,强度较强;不同的是“,海神”北上时,副热带高压和大陆高压合并形成高压坝“,海神”与贝加尔湖阻塞高压和副热带高压形成“倒Ω型”结构,副热带高压向西北伸展,导致“海神”登陆后向西北方向移动;而“巴威”北上时,副热带高压北部是偏西气流,没有形成阻挡作用,导致“巴威”登陆后沿西南气流向东北方向移动。分析台风中心涡度、散度、垂直速度、位温、湿位涡等物理量的三维结构变化,对北上台风登陆后的强度及降水预报有很好的指示意义。 To enhance the capability for forecasting the intensity of windstorm and rainstorm caused by northward typhoon after its landing,Typhoon Bavi(2008) and Haishen(2010) were comparatively analyzed by using conventional observation data and ERA5(0.25°×0.25°)reanalysis data.The result indicated that two typhoons were closely associated to the subtropical high and the mid-latitude westerlies system during their northward movement.When “Bavi” moved northward,the cold air was located in south which led to a weaker intensity of extratropical cyclone after its extratropical transition;however,the merging of “Haishen” with the cold trough increased atmospheric baroclinicity,resulting in a stronger intensity of extratropical cyclone after its extratropical transition.In both cases,the subtropical anticyclone was located northerly with strong intensity.The difference was that when “Haishen” move northward,the subtropical anticyclone and continental anticyclone merged to form a high-pressure barrier,meanwhile,the interaction among “Haishen”,the Lake Baikal blocking high and the subtropical anticyclone formed an “inverted Ω” structure,the subtropical high pressure extended northwestward,causing “Haishen” to move northwestward after its landing;however,when “Bavi” moved northward,the northern part of the subtropical anticyclone formed a westerly flow without creating a blocking effect,causing “Bavi” to move northeastward along the southwest flow after its landing.By analyzing the three-dimensional structural changes of physical quantity such as vorticity,divergence,vertical velocity,potential temperature,and moist potential vorticity in the center of the typhoon,it was of great indicative significance for forecasting the intensity of windstorm and rainstorm when northward moving typhoons was landing.
作者 易希延 苗静 孙琳琳 杨同宇 冯博 孙鹏飞 YI Xiyan;MIAO jing;SUN Linlin;YANG Tongyu;FENG Bo;SUN Pengfei(Panjin National Climate Observatory,Panjin 124010,Liaoning,China;Anshan Hydrological Bureau,Anshan 114001,Liaoning,China;Yichun Weather Bureau of Heilongjiang,Yichun 153000,Heilongjiang,China)
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第5期478-487,共10页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目“我国北方局地突发性强降水机理及预报方法研究”(2018YFC1507301) 2021年度中国气象局创新发展专项资助项目“2020年黑龙江三次台风暴雨的强降水机制及非对称分布特征分析”(CXFZ2021Z034) 环渤海区域科技协同创新基金资助项目“基于双偏振雷达的渤海北部及沿岸强对流天气预警指标研究”(QYXM202001)。
关键词 巴威 海神 副热带高压 西风带系统 阻塞高压 Bavi Haishen subtropical anticyclone westerlies system blocking high
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