

Effects of temperature and salinity on carbon budget of Crassostrea hongkongensis
摘要 【目的】明确温度和盐度对香港牡蛎生理代谢及碳收支的影响,为解析香港牡蛎碳收支分配机制提供参考依据,也为后续探究牡蛎固碳功能及发展蓝色、低碳的新兴经济产业奠定理论基础。【方法】利用静水法测定香港牡蛎在不同温度(12、19、26和33℃)和盐度(6‰、15‰、24‰和33‰)条件下的耗氧率、排氨率、摄食率和排粪率,并建立香港牡蛎的碳收支方程。【结果】香港牡蛎耗氧率随温度的升高而逐渐升高,在试验设定的最高温度(33℃)时达最大值[1.87 mg/(g∙h)];排氨率随温度的升高呈先下降后上升趋势,根据拟合方程计算得知在17.70℃下的排氨率达最小值[0.02 mg/(g∙h)];摄食率随温度的升高呈先上升后下降的变化趋势,根据拟合方程计算得知在21.99℃下的摄食率达最大值[17.54 mg/(g∙h)];排粪率随温度的变化无明显规律。不同盐度条件下,香港牡蛎摄食率和耗氧率随盐度的增加呈先上升后下降趋势,根据拟合方程计算得知,盐度为21.54‰时的耗氧率达最大值[1.29 mg/(g∙h)],盐度为18.88‰时的摄食率达最大值[28.48 mg/(g∙h)];排氨率和排粪率随盐度的增加整体上呈下降趋势,二者在试验设定的最高盐度(33‰)下达最小值。温度和盐度对香港牡蛎的碳收支存在明显影响,在温度19~26℃、盐度15‰~24‰的条件下香港牡蛎将摄食的大部分碳用于生长。不同温度和盐度条件下,香港牡蛎的碳收支均表现为生长碳占摄食碳的比例最高,其次是粪便碳和呼吸碳,排泄碳的占比最低。【结论】温度和盐度对香港牡蛎生理代谢及碳收支均存在影响,尤其在温度19~26℃、盐度15‰~24‰的条件下生长碳占摄食碳的比例较高,更适宜其生长,具有较高的固碳能力。 【Objective】To clarify the effects of temperature and salinity on the physiology metabolism and carbon budget of the Crassostrea hongkongensis,and providing reference for the mechanism of carbon budget of C.hongkongensis,as well as to lay theoretical foundation for the subsequent exploration of the carbon sequestration function of oysters and the development of blue and low-carbon emerging economic industries.【Method】The oxygen consumption rate,ammonia excretion rate,feeding rate and fecal excretion rate of the C.hongkongensis were determined at different temperatures(12,19,26 and 33℃)and salinities(6‰,15‰,24‰and 33‰)using hydrostatic method,and carbon balance equations were established.【Result】The oxygen consumption rate of C.hongkongensis increased gradually with increasing temperature,reaching a maximum value[1.87 mg/(g∙h)]at the highest temperature tested(33°C);the ammonia excretion rate first decreased and then increased with increasing temperature,according to the fitted equation,the minimum ammonia excretion rate occurred at 17.70°C[0.02 mg/(g∙h)];the feeding rate showed an increasing and then decreasing trend with increasing temperature,according to the fitted equation,the maximum feeding rate occurred at 21.99°C[17.54mg/(g∙h)];the fecal excretion rate did not show any obvious regularity under different temperatures.Under different salinity conditions,the feeding rate and oxygen consumption rate of the C.hongkongensis showed an increasing and then decreasing trend,according to the fitted equation,the oxygen consumption rate reached the maximum value at salinity 21.54‰[1.29 mg/(g∙h)],and the feeding rate reached the maximum value at salinity 18.88‰[28.48 mg/(g∙h)].The ammonia excretion rate and fecal excretion rate showed a decreasing trend with the increasing salinity,and both reached the minimum value at the maximum salinity set by the test(33‰).Temperature and salinity had obvious effects on the carbon budget of C.hongkongensis,under the conditions of temperature
作者 官俊良 何庆松 张兴志 何苹萍 韦嫔媛 张立 陈泳先 白科 许尤厚 彭金霞 GUAN Jun-liang;HE Qing-song;ZHANG Xing-zhi;HE Ping-ping;WEI Pin-yuan;ZHANG Li;CHEN Yong-xian;BAI Ke;XU You-hou;PENG Jin-xia(Guangxi Academy of Fisheries Sciences/China(Guangxi)-ASEAN Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Exploitation and Utilization of Aquatic Germplasm Resources,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Aquatic Genetic Breeding and Healthy Aquaculture,Nanning,Guangxi 530021,China;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Marine Biodiversity Conservation/Beibu Gulf Marine Ecological Environment Field Observation and Research Station of Guangxi/College of Marine Sciences,Beibu Gulf University,Qinzhou,Guangxi 535011,China)
出处 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期2504-2513,共10页 Journal of Southern Agriculture
基金 广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB21196030) 国家现代农业产业技术体系广西创新团队建设专项(nycytxgxcxtd-2023-14-04) 广西农业科技自筹经费项目(Z202293,Z2022217)。
关键词 香港牡蛎 温度 盐度 生理代谢 碳收支 Crassostrea hongkongensis temperature salinity physiological metabolism carbon budget
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