

Urban shrinkage effect:Conceptual connotation,Chinese logic,and diagnosis of Northeast China
摘要 收缩效应作为城市收缩的“因”与“果”而同时存在,是深入揭示城市收缩形成背景、作用机理与科学制定治理策略的前提和基础。针对当前学术界尚未就城市收缩效应形成一个体系化的概念认知与理论分析框架,论文围绕城市收缩效应的概念内涵及其中国逻辑展开了理论探讨,并就中国东北区域性城市收缩展开效应诊断。研究表明:①城市收缩效应是指在城市收缩这一特定语境下,城市人口、资金、工厂企业等相关发展要素在城市与区域、与周边城市及乡村空间关联耦合作用下“再区位”所带来的区域关系、城市内部运行效率和城市居民生活幸福指数发展变化的结果反馈,具有综合性和多维表征性、尺度与维度的正负效应之分、路径传导性和发展语境关联性特征;依据关联主体,可将城市收缩效应研究内容划分为区域关系、城市内部运行效率和城市居民生活幸福指数发展变化三个维度。②中国化城市收缩效应研究宜强调解析城市收缩效应生成逻辑的中国化,响应收缩效应治理目标的区域统筹发展观以及响应收缩效应治理手段的以人为本和差别化路径设计。③东北区域性城市收缩所带来的收缩效应有正有负,但整体表征出弊大于利;单纯将城市收缩看成是一个人口外流现象并强调单方面的收缩效应显然是不合理的,至于说收缩促进了东北农业规模化、机械化与集约化发展在目前看来尚缺乏相应的依据与事实支撑,其反而可能是在某种程度上抑制了城对乡的辐射带动作用而促使城乡关系向低水平均衡方向发展。研究结果是对现有城市收缩研究的扩容及其中国化思考,可为中国收缩城市治理与东北全面振兴提供参考借鉴。 Urban shrinkage effect exists simultaneously as the cause and result of urban shrinkage,which is the premise and basis for revealing the context and mechanism of the formation of shrinking cities and scientifically formulating response strategies.In view of the lack of a systematic conceptual cognition and theoretical analysis framework for urban shrinkage effect in the current academic circle,this study examined the conceptual connotation of urban shrinkage effect and its Chinese logic,and the effect of regional urban shrinkage in Northeast China.The research pointed out that:1)Urban shrinkage effect refers to the feedback of changes in regional relationship,urban area internal operation efficiency,and urban resident happiness index brought about by the"re-location"of relevant development factors such as urban population,capital,and enterprises under the action of spatial correlation and coupling between cities and regions,surrounding cities,and rural areas in the specific context of urban shrinkage.It has the characteristics of comprehensive and multi-dimensional representation,the distinction between positive and negative effects of scale and dimension,path continuity,and contextual relevance of development.According to the relevant subjects,the research content of urban shrinkage effect can be divided into three dimensions:Regional relationship,urban area internal operation efficiency,and urban resident happiness index.In the empirical analysis,it is appropriate to use the matching method,differencein-differences method,panel effect model,and comparative induction method for evaluation.2)The research on urban shrinkage effect in the context of China should emphasize using multi-source data,new technical means,and new concepts to evaluate the urban shrinkage effect in China,analyzing and clarifying the Chinese logic generated by urban shrinkage effect,taking regional overall development as the governance goal in response to the contraction effect,and designing a people-oriented differentiation path as the mean
作者 孙平军 SUN Pingjun(School of Geographical Sciences,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《地理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1696-1713,共18页 Progress in Geography
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目(21XJC790010) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金(SWU2209223)。
关键词 城市收缩 城市收缩效应 中国逻辑 东北诊断 urban shrinkage urban shrinkage effect conceptual connotation Chinese logic diagnosis of Northeast China
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