

Seismic fragility analysis method for evaluation of dislocation resistance of tunnels crossing active fault zones
摘要 活动断层错动作用是导致穿断层隧道结构破坏的主要因素,因此评估穿断层隧道结构的抗错动性能对于隧道抗震设计至关重要,然而目前研究尚缺乏针对穿断裂带隧道结构抗错动性能的评估方法。为此,提出了一种面向穿活动断裂带隧道结构抗错动性能评估的易损性分析方法。首先,基于概率断层位错危险分析(PFDHA)推导隧址区断层位错超越概率计算公式;其次,建立围岩-断层-隧道相互作用体系的有限元分析模型,并选定易损性分析指标,采用拟静力弹塑性分析方法得到隧道损伤与断层位错量之间的量化关系;最后采用隧址区断层位错超越概率计算公式计算出任意给定地震动水准条件下穿活动断裂带隧道结构的抗错动易损性。以某穿活动走滑断层隧道为例,依据所建立的易损性评估方法开展影响因素分析,探究了断层倾角对隧道结构抗错动性能的影响规律,结果表明:断层倾角越小,穿断层处隧道结构的易损性越小,且上盘侧隧道衬砌易损性显著高于下盘;隧道易损性对5~8级矩震级的变化更为敏感;隧道选线沿着近破裂带端部穿越可显著降低隧道结构的受损概率。该方法可以定量描述穿断层隧道在给定地震动强度下的易损性程度,可为穿活动断裂带隧道结构抗震设计与抗错动性能评估提供科学依据和分析手段。 As the dislocation of active fault is the main factor leading to the failure of the tunnels crossing the fault,it is essential for the seismic design to evaluate the dislocation resistance performance of the tunnels crossing active fault zones.However,the relevant methods are still lacking.A seismic fragility analysis method is proposed for evaluating the dislocation resistance performance of the tunnels crossing active fault zones.Firstly,the formula for calculating the exceedance probability of fault displacement at the tunnel site is derived based on the probabilistic fault displacement hazard analysis(PFDHA).Secondly,a three-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element analysis model for the rock-fault-tunnel interaction system is established.The seismic fragility analysis indexes are selected,and the quantitative relationship between tunnel damage and fault displacement is obtained using the pseudo-static pushover analysis method.Finally,the seismic fragility of the tunnels crossing active fault zones under any given ground motion levels is calculated using the formula for the exceedance probability of fault displacement in the tunnel site area.Taking a tunnel through an active strike-slip fault as an example,based on the established fragility analysis method,the influence law of fault dip angle on the dislocation resistance performance of tunnel structure is explored.It is shown that a smaller fault dip angle is associated with lower fragility of the tunnel structure,and the fragility of the tunnel lining in the hanging wall is significantly higher than that in the footwall.The fragility of the tunnel is more sensitive to variations in the moment magnitude scale of 5~8.The damage probability of tunnel structure can be significantly reduced by choosing the tunnel line to pass near the end of the fracture zone.The proposed method can quantitatively describe the fragility of the tunnel at different cross sections under given ground motion intensities and provide a scientific basis and analytical method for the s
作者 禹海涛 许桦霖 卫一博 YU Haitao;XU Hualin;WEI Yibo(State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期2060-2068,共9页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42177134) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目。
关键词 穿断层隧道 活动断裂带 易损性 地震响应 PFDHA tunnel crossing fault active fault zone fragility seismic response PFDHA
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