Granulomatous mastitis(GM)is a benign granulomatous condition,and its pathogenesis may be related to autoimmune disorders.Cellular immunity,humoral immunity,immunoglobulins,and complement could all play a role in the disease process,showing certain clinical patterns.Corticosteroids can quickly control disease progression,and immunosuppressants can be used for complex and refractory GM cases.In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),“healthy qi”is similar to immune system function.For GM with deficient healthy qi,TCM treatments such as internal and external herbal applications can help regulate immune function and shorten disease duration by staged and TCM treatment,regulating viscera,reinforcing healthy qi,and eliminating pathogenic factors.
肉芽肿性乳腺炎(granulomatous mastitis,GM)是一种良性的肉芽肿性病变。肉芽肿性乳腺炎的发病机制可能为自身免疫相关性疾病。细胞免疫、体液免疫及免疫球蛋白、补体等均可能参与病变过程,且具有一定临床规律。使用糖皮质激素可快速控制病情进展,针对复杂难治性GM,可使用免疫抑制剂。在中医中“正气”与免疫系统功能类似,针对GM正气不足病因,使用中药内服、外敷等治疗手段,内外合治,分期论治,通过调脏腑、扶正祛邪,可以调节患者机体免疫功能,缩短病程。
supported by the 2022 National Clinical Research Base“Top List”Special Project of the Health Commission of Henan Province(2022JDZX086)
2021 National Clinical Research Base Research Special Project of the Health Commission of Henan Province(2021JDZY018)
National Distinguished and Veteran TCM Experts Inheritance Studio Construction Project of the National Administration of Traditional ChineseMedicine(2100601-CZ0175).