

Clinical experience of MA Ruofei on acupuncture treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy
摘要 文章介绍了马若飞老师临床常用的6种针刺方法包含体针、头皮针、电针、拨针、穴位注射和带针活动后再推拿,进而从病理分型、不同症状和部位方面分别阐述了马老针刺施治经验。马老总结针刺治疗小儿脑瘫功效在于激发大脑潜能,及改善提高运动功能,其中发挥激发大脑潜能者主要为头皮针,改善提高运动功能者则为体针。马老针刺治疗痉挛型脑瘫特点常在局部肌肉的起止、中间共分4点进针,采用透刺法,目的充分缓解痉挛,降低肌张力;不随意运动型则重视针刺“颈夹脊”“背夹脊”等诸夹脊穴,目的使脊髓上下通路得以改善疏通。另外尤为重视因长期痉挛、应激反应所致患儿背部为主条索状物、挛缩块的治疗,马老称其为“恶性通道”,严重者可采用拨针术将其拨离分解。 This paper discussed six acupuncture therapies ordinarily used by MA Ruofei in clinical practice, included body acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, electroacupuncture, teasing needle, acupuncture point injection, and massage after activity with needles. It expounded the acupuncture treatment experience of doctor MA from the aspects of pathological classification,different symptoms and body regions. Doctor MA concluded the effect of acupuncture in treatment of children with cerebral palsy(CP) was to stimulate the brain's potential and to improve motor function. Scalp acupuncture primarily stimulated the brain's potential, while body acupuncture improved the motor function. In spastic cerebral palsy, body acupuncture was characteristically divided into four points at the beginning and the end, also the middles of a muscle, using the point-through-point method, which could relieve spasms and reduce muscle tone. In dyskinetic cerebral palsy, it emphasized acupuncture of ‘jiaji points on neck',‘aligned acupuncture on back' and other jiaji points(EX-B2), so that the upper and lower pathways of the spinal cord could be improved and dredged. In addition, more attention should be paid to treatment of muscle knots and contractures mainly in back of the children caused by long-term spasm and stress reaction, which MA called ‘malignant channels', and it could be removed and decomposed by teasing needle in severe cases.
作者 王粟实 赵安业 王红伟 闫志安 WANG Sushi;ZHAO Anye;WANG Hongwei;YAN Zhian(Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100010,China;Zhengzhou Zhongjing's Guoyi College,Zhengzhou 452370,China;Periodical Offce of China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy,Beijing100029,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期4168-4173,共6页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 马若飞 脑瘫 针刺 透刺法 夹脊穴 MA Ruofei Cerebral palsy(CP) Acupuncture Point-through-point method Jiaji points(EX-B2)
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