

Zhao Yi's Reinterpretation of Du Fu and Du Fu's Poems with Epochal Characteristics
摘要 赵翼作为乾嘉年间的著名诗人、史学家和性灵说的代表人物,他从创新的诗学主张和求实的史学立场出发,重新审视了杜甫和杜诗永恒经典的地位;认为创新是杜诗的重要特质,指出杜诗在句法、七律、以小说入诗、题画诗等方面的开创性;首次提出杜甫“天才论”,认为杜甫惊心动魄的语言表现力和不“穷”诗亦工都是其“天才”的表现;对历来有争议的杜甫与严武之关系进行考证,得出较为公允的结论;辩证指出杜诗艺术表现上的不足和杜甫济世理想与特定时代现实的矛盾,将杜甫还原为真实的诗人。赵翼对杜诗和杜甫进行了时代性重释即再经典化,展现了清代性灵说和乾嘉考据学风影响下杜诗经典化的过程,发掘出杜甫作为经典诗人的新特质,掲橥了杜诗经典性的新内涵。 Zhao Yi,a famous poet,historian and representative of the Theory of Spirituality during the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods,commented on Du Fu's poems based on his innovative poetic propositions and practical historical stance,reexamining the eternal classic status of Du Fu's poems.He considered innovation as a crucial characteristic of Du Fu's poems,highlighting the pioneering aspects such as the sentence structure,the seven-character regulated verse,the incorporation of novels into poems,and the poems about paintings.He was the first to propose the“Genius Theory”of Du Fu,maintaining that Du Fu's breathtaking language expressiveness and the excellence of his poems even when not in poverty were manifestations of his“genius”.He investigated the controversial relationship between Du Fu and Yan Wu and arrived at a relatively fair conclusion.He dialectically pointed out the deficiencies in the artistic expression of Du Fu's poems and the contradiction between Du Fu's aspiration to save the world and the reality of a specific era,restoring Du Fu to a genuine poet.Zhao Yi re-interpreted Du Fu's poems and Du Fu himself in an epochal manner,namely recanonization,presenting the process of the canonization of Du Fu's poems under the influence of the Theory of Spirituality and the textual research style of the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods in the Qing Dynasty,uncovering the new traits of Du Fu as a classic poet and revealing the new connotations of the classic nature of Du Fu's poems.
作者 张东艳 Zhang Dongyan(School of Elementary Education,Zhengzhou Normal University,Zhengzhou Henan 450044,China)
出处 《天水师范学院学报》 2024年第3期32-40,共9页 Journal of Tianshui Normal University
基金 2021年河南省哲学社会科学基金项目“尊杜非杜与清代杜诗经典化研究”(2021BWX037)阶段性成果。
关键词 赵翼 杜诗 经典化 杜甫 Zhao Yi Du fu's poems Classicization Du Fu
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