

A Study on Manduri’s Family of Shunzhi Emperor’s Wet Nurse’s Husband
摘要 满都礼家族是以乳母之功发迹的特殊旗人世家。满都礼之妻李氏是顺治帝的乳母,曾承担哺育、照顾顺治帝之责,被追封为“佑圣夫人”。因保育有功,满都礼亦获得世职,官至内大臣,其家族从内务府旗籍抬入镶黄旗满洲,族人陆续出旗受职,并积累了大量财富。其中最具代表性的当属满都礼之侄三泰,他历仕康雍乾三朝,任协办大学士十余年,获得乾隆帝“麟图鹤算”的赞誉。满都礼家族的崛起得益于乳母李氏对内廷的贡献,随着清帝对乳公势力的警惕和打压,其兴盛犹如昙花一现,很快归于平淡。满都礼家族的兴衰与皇帝的态度、清前期的时代变迁密切相关,反映出乳公家族对皇权有着极高的依附性。 Manduri’s family was a special aristocratic family,who rose to fame by the merits of the wet nurse.Mrs.Li,the wife of Manduri,was the wet nurse of Shunzhi Emperor,once bore the responsibility of nurturing and caring for Shunzhi Emperor.She was awarded the title of“Yousheng Furen”posthumously.Due to the contribution to take good care of Shunzhi Emperor,Manduri also got a hereditary official position and rose to become interior minister.Her family raised Banner from Imperial Household Department to Manchu Bordered Yellow Banner.Her family members took office in departments successively and accumu⁃lated a huge family fortune.The most representative among them was Manduri’s nephew San Tai,who worked for the Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong Dynasty.He served as an assistant grand secretary for over ten years.Qianlong Emperor gave him the praise of“Lintu and Hesuan”.The rise of the Manduri’s family benefited from the contribution of Mrs.Li to Inner court.As the Qing emperors’vigilance and suppression to the power of the wet nurses’husbands,the prosperity of Manduri’s family was like a flash in the pan and soon returned to mediocrity.The rise and fall of Manduri’s family was closely related to the attitude of the emperors and the changes of the times in the early Qing Dynasty.It reflected the high degree of dependence of the wet nurses’husbands’families on imperial power.
作者 杜望 DU Wang(Research Institute of Chinese Culture,Chinese National Academy of Arts,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2024年第5期9-19,共11页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(19CZS027) 故宫博物院第二期开放课题。
关键词 满都礼 三泰 瓜尔佳氏 佐领承袭 Manduri Santai Guaerjia clan nirus’succession
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